Checkr is a modern, pp加速器免费正式版下载 API-driven background screening service. The Checkr API uses resource-oriented URLs, supports HTTPS authentication and HTTPS verbs, and leverages JSON in all responses passed back to customers.
Checkr is used by over 10,000 customers in a wide variety of industries, and supports a range of screening products and candidate workflows. For a full list of our screenings, please see the Checkr Screenings section below or read the Checkr Help Center articles on Screening Types.
This Programming Guide is designed to help customers get up-and-running with Checkr's background screening services, both by providing the necessary context to understand the background screening industry and its regulations, and by giving technical guidance on how to work with the Checkr API.
手机pp加速器 The cURL command is used for all examples in the Checkr API documentation.
For a complete set of User Guides for the Checkr Dashboard, and more information on the compliance and regulatory aspects of background screenings, please see the Checkr Help Center.
For a more targeted set of Checkr Dashboard learning paths for talent sourcing roles like Recruiters, Adjudicators, or Program Administrators, please see the Checkr Learning Center.
Checkr follows a standardized screening process:
To initiate a background check, a customer provides Checkr their candidate's email address (for a Checkr-hosted invitation flow) or the candidate's PII (for a customer-hosted flow). For more information on ways to achieve this, please see Designing your workflow.
Under the U.S. Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), customers are obligated to collect consent from their candidates when running background checks through Checkr or any other Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA).
The Checkr-hosted flow presents candidates with fields in which the requested PII may be entered, and collects candidate information on behalf of the customer. Checkr will also present disclosures and authorizations to the candidate, and enable eSignature to capture consent, on behalf of customers using this flow with the Checkr Dashboard or email invitation flow.
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Checkr runs an SSN Trace to match the candidate’s provided PII with existing credit header data mapped to the SSN. This process yields a list of names and addresses associated with the entered SSN, which can be used to supplement the background check process.
At this point Checkr also conducts some initial data comparisons to check that critical pieces of information, like a candidate's submitted Date of Birth (DOB) and SSN, align with information held on file by the credit bureaus. If there is information that looks out of place, Checkr may reach out directly to the candidate, through their email address, to gain further confirmation or data from the individual.
Once the candidate's information has been confirmed and an address history developed, the background check screening process begins.
Checkr then runs the customer's requested Screenings. Based on the results of the SSN Trace, Checkr may expand the search for the requested Screenings to include counties where the candidate may have lived in the past.
Once a report has been completed, customers receive a report assessment update of Clear or pp加速器安卓版下载 through their selected method of API webhooks, email, or Checkr Dashboard notifications.
Clear and Consider are the default assessments. A Clear assessment can be interpreted as that report having no items listed on the candidate’s record that require consideration. A report with an assessment of Consider indicates that there are items on the candidate’s report that require your review. With both Clear and Consider reports, customers must decide whether or not to engage a candidate. Checkr does not make this determination on the customer’s behalf.
After the Report is completed and returned, the customer must evaluate the report, and make a final hiring determination. In maintaining a process compliant with per FCRA legislation and EEOC guidelines, Checkr does not make this determination on the customer's behalf.
Before gaining a Checkr test or production account, you must first work with a Checkr Account Executive or Customer Success representative to create and credential your account.
The background screening industry in the United States is heavily regulated by federal, state, and local levels of government, and primarily by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Checkr complies with these laws, and helps its customers comply, through multiple Checkr product features.
Two key processes in the account authorization process also enable compliance: establishing permissible purpose, and confirming a compliant user interface workflow.
One of the main provisions of FCRA is the requirement to establish a legitimate "permissible purpose" for running a background screen on an individual. These permissible purposes include running background screens for employment purposes (that is, making hiring decisions), making a decision to extend credit to an individual, or for what the law calls a "legitimate business purpose".
Checkr establishes a customer's permissible purpose by collecting and confirming a number of key details about the business entity running a background screen, including:
Some permissible purposes may impose additional legal requirements on the business entity running a background screen. For example, purposes involving checking a candidate's credit history require an onsite inspection of the entity's business premises.
When building a candidate user experience that includes the capture of information necessary to run a background check, there are a number of essential components that must be included to send a compliant request to Checkr. For more information on these requirements and best practices, please see Building your candidate experience.
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Each Checkr account has two pairs of API keys: a test pair and a production pair. Checkr supports both a test and production environment, and resources like Candidates, Reports, and Packages in one environment will not transfer to the other. For more information, please see The Checkr test environment below.
There are two types of API keys: publishable and secret.
Once your Checkr account has been created, your API keys will be available in the Checkr Dashboard, in the Account Settings > Developer Settings pane.
Use your test API keys only for testing and development. This ensures you don't accidentally request production background screenings for which you'll be charged.
Checkr's test environment is completely separate from the production environment. Candidates, Reports, Packages, and Geos created in one environment will not be reflected in the other. To view the test data and objects available in your account, toggle the Test option in the upper left corner of the Checkr Dashboard.
The test environment is built to mimic the production environment and allow developers to build without running production background screenings and incurring a charge. However, there are a few key differences between the behavior of the test and production environments. These are outlined in Uses and limitations of the test environment.
Keeping your keys safe
Access to your API keys should be granted only to those that need them. Your secret API key can be used to make any API call on behalf of your account, such as creating Candidates, requesting and upgrading Screenings, and creating Geos. Your publishable API key can only create Candidates in the Checkr system, and may be used to publish app or site builds.
To further protect your keys, ensure that they are not included in any version control system that you may be using.
Expiring keys
If an API key is compromised, expire the key in the 绿叶加速器最新版下载 to block it. Click Expire key to set an expiration date for the selected key, and Create new key to create a new one to replace it.
Checkr's API is flexible enough to support a range of workflows for integrating background screening into your candidate onboarding process. At a high-level there are three options, each with unique benefits and disadvantages:
Option | Benefits | Disadvantages |
Customer-hosted candidate experience |
Checkr-hosted candidate experience |
Checkr Dashboard experience |
The customer-hosted candidate experience enables Checkr customers to completely control the user onboarding experience, from the look and feel of the candidate's UX, to the specific API calls made during the process, to the flexibility in timing and ordering of those calls. Some unique Checkr functionality, like programmatic report upgrades, are also available only to those customers hosting their own candidate experience.
While hosting your own candidate onboarding experience takes more developer time, it might not be as much time as you think. We've seen teams successfully deploy a new background check and onboarding flow in a single 2-week development sprint.
Building your candidate experience
To help customers meet the regulatory demands of the background screening industry, Checkr has defined the following UX requirements for customers building their own candidate onboarding experience:
Checkr can provide you with copy templates for each of these documents. Checkr routinely has these documents reviewed for general compliance and best practice in the industry, but you should always consult your own legal counsel when using templates and ensure they work for your business. Please work with your Checkr Account Executive or Customer Success Manager to receive Checkr’s set of templates. These templates, the documents they include, and other requirements will be explained throughout the Checkr customer account onboarding process.
Note: Requirements differ for customers running background screening programs limited to running a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) on candidates for a non-employment or contractor purpose. The requirements for running an MVR in order to provide a service such as a car or scooter rental are far less onerous than the requirements for other uses of the MVR, and require only one or two screens of necessary consent and disclosure. Please contact your Checkr Account Executive or Customer Success Manager if you'd like to learn more about these streamlined requirements.
Collecting proof of authorization from your candidates is one of your most important responsibilities before performing a background screen through Checkr or any other Consumer Reporting Agency. Under the FCRA, Checkr cannot provide you with a report unless you certify that you have obtained proper authorization. Maintaining proof of this process is essential in the event that either you or Checkr is audited, or a candidate threatens you with litigation.
Checkr recommends two means of collecting and storing this eSignature during the consent and authorization flow:
The Checkr-hosted candidate experience enables Checkr customers to easily set up a modern, compliant candidate background screening process in their onboarding flow with limited development effort. The Checkr-hosted candidate experience has the full set of features and functionality of the Checkr product, and is built on top of the Checkr API, making it an easy and powerful option for customers looking to begin using Checkr as quickly as possible.
The Checkr-hosted experience can be initiated in two ways:
Candidate invitations triggered by API: Customers can choose to build a programmatic trigger into their site or product to order reports and send candidates invitations to participate in the background check process. In this case, a customer passes Checkr a candidate email address through the API, which triggers an email to that address to collect the candidate's information and present the necessary compliance forms and disclosures (that is, your disclosure and authorization forms). This option requires developer time to build a Checkr backend integration into the customer's product, but does present benefits for automation and programmatic ordering.
Candidate invitations triggered manually: Customers can log into the Checkr Dashboard and manually request that an invitation to participate in the background check process be sent to a candidate's email address. This option requires no developer time to build any Checkr integration, but lacks any automation or programmatic ordering, making it difficult to scale for high volume environments.
Customers leveraging the Checkr Dashboard to submit a Manual Order must collect a candidate’s authorization and consent to a background screening “offline”. This means that the customer will collect the candidate’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII), present the necessary authorizations and disclosures, and collect and store necessary signatures through separate means. Customers must then submit that information to Checkr using manual keyboard entry through the Checkr Dashboard. Finally, customers will be presented with language certifying that proper consent was obtained from the candidate.
Note: When using candidate invitations and the Checkr-hosted candidate experience, understand that Checkr is facilitating your obligations with regard to applicable consumer reporting laws. Before using either method of candidate invitations, you should fully review the template copies of disclosure(s) and authorization language to ensure your business needs are met.
The Checkr Dashboard allows Checkr customers to begin using the Checkr platform immediately and with no developer effort. The Checkr Dashboard includes the full feature and functionality set as the Checkr API interface, with a few key limitations.
For more information, please see the Checkr Dashboard User Guide in the Checkr Help Center.
The following sections will walk you through the steps necessary to get started running background checks with the Checkr API:
Before gaining access to the Checkr APIs and Dashboard, you must be properly credentialed to request background checks. Work with your Customer Support Representative to provide the required documentation, and complete the credentialing process.
For more information, see Getting credentialed above.
Once you have access set up to log into Checkr, go to your Developer Settings page and copy your Test API Key.
Your production API key is also available on the Developer Settings page. Note that your production key will not be enabled for Reports until you contact and request that your account be enabled for live requests.
For more information on working with Checkr's API keys, see Test and production API keys above.
$ curl \
Use HTTP Basic authentication to authenticate with Checkr, with your API key as the username and an empty password. When using curl
, use the -u
option to specify your API key. (Note the colon following the API key in the examples. It tells cURL to send an empty password.)
Note that test API requests are free and return fake data. Once you are production-ready, please email and we will enable live requests.
$ curl -X POST \
-u [YOUR_API_KEY]: \
-d first_name=Michael \
-d middle_name=Gary \
-d last_name=Scott \
-d \
-d phone=2035408926 \
-d zipcode=06831 \
-d dob=1964-03-15 \
-d ssn=111-11-2001 \
-d driver_license_number=981736076 \
-d driver_license_state=CT \
-d copy_requested=true
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Remember to replace "YOUR_TEST_API_KEY"
with your actual test API key in the cURL example on the right.
See Candidates for more details on creating Candidates.
boolean captures whether or not the candidate has requested a copy of their background check upon completion. If true
, Checkr will automatically send a copy of the background check to the passed email address on your
, middle_name
or no_middle_name
, last_name
, and dob
and zipcode
are required attributes.pp加速器国际版
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"uri":能效优先:eyeriss CNN加速器的设计思路 - 知乎:2021-11-14 · pp. 262-264, February 2021 [2] Eyeriss Project 更多干货,欢迎关注公众号:MikesICroom 回复“课程”获取斯坦福大学AI加速器 课程资料 发布于 2021-11-14 AI芯片 AI技术 卷积神经网络(CNN) 赞同 15 添加评论 分享 收藏 文章被以下专栏收录 AI处理器 ...,
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Checkr responds immediately with the resulting Candidate object, which includes the ID of the Candidate and a URI that points to the new Candidate object. Store the ID for this new Candidate object, which you'll need when creating a Report in the next step.
$ curl -X POST \
-u [YOUR_API_KEY]: \
-d package=dunder_mifflin_executive \
-d candidate_id=手机app加速器b7865af96a28b13f36
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"id": "a13f4827d8711ddc75abc56ct",
"object": "test_report",
"uri": "/v1/reports/a13f4827d8711ddc75abc56ct",
"status": "pending",
"created_at": "2018-08-17T01:10:21Z",
pp加速器官网网页: null,
"revised_at": null,
"upgraded_at": null,
"turnaround_time": 海外app加速器,
"package": "dunder_mifflin_executive",
"tags": [],
"adjudication": pp加速器国际版下载,
"assessment": null,
"candidate_id": 手机pp加速器,
"county_criminal_search_ids": null,
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pp加速器国际版下载: "5b64c62b67abb4002d3ec763",
"global_watchlist_search_id": "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f7",
"national_criminal_search_id": "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f5",
"personal_reference_verification_ids": [],
"professional_reference_verification_ids": [],
"sex_offender_search_id": "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f6",
"ssn_trace_id": "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f3",
"state_criminal_search_ids": [],
"terrorist_watchlist_search_id": "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f7",
"facis_search_id": null,
"arrest_search_id": null,
"motor_vehicle_report_id": null
Checkr responds immediately with the full Report object, which includes the ID of the Report and a URI that points to the new Report object.
Store the resulting Report ID and any of the requested Screening IDs. The ID for this new Report object is required to retrieve the Report. (Checkr will return IDs for all Screenings included in the requested Package. All other Screening IDs will be returned null
"id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
"object": "event",
"type": "report.completed",
"created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
pp加速器安卓: {
"object": {
"id": "4722c07dd9a10c3985ae432a",
"object": "report",
"uri": "/v1/reports/532e71cfe88a1d4e8d00000d",
"created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
"received_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
"status": "clear",
"package": "driver_pro",
"source": "api",
"candidate_id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
"ssn_trace_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
"sex_offender_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000008",
"national_criminal_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000006",
"county_criminal_search_ids": [
"state_criminal_search_ids": [
"motor_vehicle_report_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000007"
"account_id": "8e122cc56b8fa82d33c6118a"
If webhooks are enabled, Checkr pushes a status change webhook event to the customer account's webhook URL with the structure shown in the Test Webhook Response to the right.
Use the resulting Report status (or other data elements) to execute subsequent workflows in your application or program.
$ curl -X GET
Retrieve the results of a report by performing a GET request to the specific URL of the report. For example, executing the command to the right retrieves the Report object below it.
Retrieve the Report created in the previous step by using your test API key and Report ID into the cURL command shown to the right.
"id": "a13f4827d8711ddc75abc56ct",
"object": "report",
"uri": PP加速器(PPVA)|PP加速器(PPVA)V0.2.19.0117 简体中文 ...:2021-6-6 · PP加速器是一款为在线视频提供加速服务的软件,使用PP加速器后,在线观看视频时的视频下载的速度能够提升3-4倍的,从而解决在线观看视频过程中的缓冲问题。 小提示:先运行绿化工具再使用,不然PP加速器会重新在系统盘安装.....,
pp加速器手机版: "clear",
"created_at": "2018-08-17T01:10:21Z",
"completed_at": pp加速器免费正式版下载,
海外app加速器: null,
"upgraded_at": 粉色app加速器,
"turnaround_time": 52,
"package": "dunder_mifflin_executive",
"tags": [],
"adjudication": null,
"assessment": pp加速器官网网页,
"source": "api",
"candidate_id": "551564b7865af96a28b13f36",
"county_criminal_search_ids": [],
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"document_ids": [],
"federal_criminal_search_id": "5b64c62b67abb4002d3ec763",
"global_watchlist_search_id": "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f7",
"national_criminal_search_id": "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f5",
"personal_reference_verification_ids": [],
PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ...: [],
"sex_offender_search_id": "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f6",
pp加速器: "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f3",
pp加速器手机版: [],
"terrorist_watchlist_search_id": "5b64c5cf67abb400353ec6f7",
"facis_search_id": null,
"arrest_search_id": pp加速器国际版,
蚂蚁app加速器: null,
"self_disclosure_ids": []
Note that the Report is now a full Report with a status of clear
, indicating that no violations or criminal background have come up for this Report. See 【uu换肤助手】UU换肤助手 9.20-ZOL软件下载:2021-11-22 · UU换肤助手是一款功能强大的英雄联盟uu换肤工具,使用这款uu换肤助手可以让玩家朋友们在玩英雄联盟的时候体验到不曾拥有的皮肤快感,马上下载这款免费的uu换肤助手吧。 for more information about test Social Security Numbers and Driver License numbers.
See Embedding Resources if you wish to embed the full contents of individual screenings (SSN Trace, Sex Offender Registry Search, Global Watchlist Search) in the server response. You can also retrieve those resources using the IDs provided in the server response.
Webhook responses and completed Reports both contain the same information about the results of a criminal screening: the status
of the report which can be 旋风app加速器
or consider
, and the assessment of the report, which can be null
, fail
, or pass
A clear
report can be interpreted as that report having no items listed on the candidate's record that must be reviewed. A report with an assessment of consider
indicates that there are items on the candidate's record that require consideration. In maintaining a compliant process as per FCRA legislation and EEOC guidelines, Checkr does not make this determination on our customers' behalf.
A report contains an assessment
if the account has an active Positive Adjudication Matrix (PAM) and the report was returned with records. If the records are filtered by the adjudication criteria defined by the user in PAM, the assessment
is returned as pass
; if not, it is returned as fail
. If the report had no records, the assessment
is returned as null
Checkr supports a sandbox or test environment for developers to build with the Checkr API before beginning to run live production reports with real candidate PII. Test API calls are free, and will return fake data. Use the sandbox to start work on building your Checkr integration before incurring costs for running actual background checks.
By default, Checkr customers are provided test API keys when their account is created. Test keys can be used to access all test environment functionality, and can be found in the Checkr Dashboard under Account Settings > Developer Settings.
Test API requests are pp加速器官网网页 and return fake data.
Customers can also work with Checkr's webhooks feature in the test environment. While in the test environment in the Dashboard, a customer can navigate to Account Settings > Developer Settings and enter a URL and designate it as Test under the Account Webhooks section of the page. In this same section, a customer can designate which specific webhook notifications one wishes to receive from Checkr.
To facilitate building with the Checkr API, our test environment supports a number of test candidate profiles that always return a predictable result. 电信加速器_电信手机卡加速器_手机电信加速器_多特软件站 ...:2021-6-5 · 多特软件专题为您提供电信加速器,电信手机卡加速器,手机电信加速器;安卓苹果版软件app一应俱全。多特软件站只提供绿色 ...
These candidates will be included in your account when the account is created. Candidate names and other PII for these SSNs will differ by account. The SSNs are consistent across all Checkr accounts. The listed driver license numbers may be associated with any of the three test SSNs.
Test SSNs
.Test driver licenses
.The test environment's API calls, responses, and webhooks follow the same pattern and response structure as those of the production environment.
If your test use case requires the testing of additional statuses, reports, or states, please reach out to your Checkr Account Executive or Customer Success Manager to speak with a Solutions Consultant or Solutions Architect.
The test environment is built to mimic the production environment and allow developers to build without running production background screenings and incurring a charge. There are a few key differences between the behavior of the test and production environments:
in the payload response of a POST
to pp加速器免费正式版下载
.If your test use case requires the testing of additional statuses, reports, or states, please reach out to your Checkr Account Executive or Customer Success Manager to speak with a Solutions Consultant or Solutions Architect.
is ON
"id": "1002d6bca6acdfcbb8442178",
"object": 蚂蚁app加速器,
"type": "object.event",
"created_at": "2018-08-17T01:12:43Z",
"webhook_url": "",
手机pp加速器: {
"object": {
"id": 手机pp加速器,
"object": "object",
"uri": "/v1/objects/a13f4827d8711ddc75abc56ct",
pp加速器官网网页: "2018-08-17T01:10:21Z",
"completed_at": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
// [...] full object included
Use webhooks to receive updates on objects created with the API and kick off additional workflows based on these events. Each time an event that you subscribed to occurs, Checkr submits a POST request to the designated webhook URL with information about the event. When the include_object
option is ON, it also includes the related object.
The User-Agent for the requests will have the prefix Checkr-Webhook/
To receive webhooks, use the Checkr Dashboard to configure a Webhook URL in the Developer Settings. For more information about setting up webhooks, see the Account Settings article in the Checkr Help Center.
is OFF
"id": "1002d6bca6acdfcbb8442178",
"object": 手机pp加速器,
"type": "object.event",
"created_at": "2018-08-17T01:12:43Z",
pp加速器: "",
"data": {
"object": {
"id": "a13f4827d8711ddc75abc56ct",
"object": "object",
"uri": 网易uu加速器官方下载_网易uu加速器永久免费版下载-PC下载网:2021-10-14 · 网易uu加速器也有人叫网易悠悠加速器,不过这不是官方叫法,网易uu加速器体积小巧,占用内存少,同时用户直接可以使用手机或者微信登录,省去了繁琐的注册过程,操作简单便捷,为用户带来良好的游戏加速体验。
Parameter | pp加速器国际版 | Description |
id |
string | ID of the event. |
object |
string | Defines the object type: event . |
type |
string | The type of event. Values include: candidate.created , report.completed . |
created_at |
手机app加速器 | Timestamp for the event. |
webhook_url |
string | Webhook URL. |
data |
hash | uu加速器吃鸡路径设置-百度经验:2021-1-19 · uu加速器吃鸡路径设置,许多游戏玩家在玩游戏时,都会遇到游戏卡顿,丢包,断网等等问题。这时候许多玩家都会使用到加速器程序。下面小白就来说说如何使用uu加速器添加吃鸡路径设置为吃鸡游戏加速。 |
pp加速器国际版下载 |
boolean | Should the related object be attached to webhook payload. |
Type | Format | Description |
HTTP / 蚂蚁app加速器 |
http(s)://(<user>:<password>@)<hostname>/<path> E.g.: |
Notes: The endpoint to be reached must be public. HTTP can be used only in a Test environment. Live environment webhooks must be HTTPS. Basic Auth is supported by adding username:password@ in front of the hostname, credentials must be URL escaped. |
360网游加速器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-6-17 · 360网游加速器是360官方出品的网游加速软件,支持时下热门的英雄联盟、穿越火线、斗战神等五十余款网游,为您打造更加流畅的游戏体验,360网游加速器操作简单,点击一键加速后,即可完成加速操作,是小水管玩家的网游必备工具。 E.g.: PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ... |
AWS Simple Notification System (SNS) Notes: Access Key must have only the Publish to SNS right in IAM. Credentials must be URL escaped. |
Your endpoint should respond to webhooks as quickly as possible. To acknowledge receipt of a webhook, your endpoint must return a 2xx
HTTP status code. This status code should only indicate receipt of the message, not acknowledgment that it was successfully processed by your system. Any other information returned in the response headers or response body is ignored.
If a webhook is not successfully received for any reason, Checkr will continue trying to send it every minute for 10 minutes, then every hour for 24 hours. Webhooks failing for more than 7 consecutive days are automatically deleted.
Webhook logs can be found on the dashboard:
For greater security, verify that the requests you receive come from Checkr.
We pass along a hash signature with each request in the header X-Checkr-Signature. The hash signature is generated with the HMAC algorithm, using your API key as a key and SHA256 digest mode. When you receive a request, you can compute a hash and ensure that the one from Checkr matches.
tap加速器下载 Accounts without an API key will have X-Checkr-Signature set to "Please create an API key to check the authenticity of our webhooks."
Example hash signature computation:
echo -n "${request_body}" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "${api_key}"
While webhooks are helpful for updates, they are not foolproof. In some cases, report updates can be sent in rapid succession based on multiple events within the Checkr environment, and may be "mis-heard". For robust webhook handling, we recommend that you account for the following:
As a best practice, Checkr recommends that you build a safety net to account for duplicate reports. One option might be to build in a function ahead of the status tracker, which copies only one report.completed
update per Candidate or Report. This works well with an additional time threshold assigned. (For example, a report is only considered a duplicate if it's within 60 minutes of a previous iteration of that report.)
To address missed webhook updates, you may also consider adding a function to send an alert if no report.completed
update is sent within a certain number of days.
"id": "58f8e550d991bb000db04005",
"object": "event",
"type": "candidate.created",
"created_at": "2017-04-20T16:44:00Z",
"webhook_url": "",
手机app加速器: {
"object": {
"id": "c373384e71a9a02098cb7421",
"object": "candidate",
"uri": "/v1/candidates/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
"created_at": "2017-04-18T18:37:34Z",
海外app加速器: "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"middle_name": "Alfred",
pp加速器免费正式版下载: null,
"dob": "1990-10-31",
"ssn": 旋风app加速器,
"email": "",
pp加速器国际版下载: "48071",
"phone": "5555555555",
"driver_license_state": "CA",
"driver_license_number": "F111111",
"copy_requested": true,
云豹加速器-小米应用商店 - Xiaomi:2021-5-7 · 小米应用商店提供云豹加速器免费下载,云豹是支持外网、外服游戏加速的全能加速器。采用国际光纤专线,安全私密一键跨境,不限流量畅游全球网站,超值赠送游戏加速,注册享免费体验。: pp加速器手机官方版,
腾讯网游加速器——绝地求生首选加速器【官方推荐】 - QQ:2021-6-9 · 腾讯官方出品的海外游戏网络加速工具。完美加速绝地求生、彩虹六号、GTA5、无限法则、战地等上百款海外游戏,有效解决游戏中出现的延迟、丢包、卡顿等问题。72小时超长免费试用,体验后购 …: null,
"adjudication": "engaged",
"custom_id": pp加速器官网网页,
"no_middle_name": false,
"report_ids": [
pp加速器安卓版下载: []
Event | Description |
candidate.created |
A new Candidate has been created. |
candidate.id_required |
An exception has been raised requiring a copy of the Candidate's identification. |
candidate.driver_license_required |
PP加速器(PPVA)|PP加速器(PPVA)V0.2.19.0117 简体中文 ...:2021-6-6 · PP加速器是一款为在线视频提供加速服务的软件,使用PP加速器后,在线观看视频时的视频下载的速度能够提升3-4倍的,从而解决在线观看视频过程中的缓冲问题。 小提示:先运行绿化工具再使用,不然PP加速器会重新在系统盘安装..... |
pp加速器安卓 |
A Candidate has been updated. |
candidate.pre_adverse_action |
An Adverse Action has been initiated on the Candidate. |
pp加速器国际版 |
An Adverse Action has been completed on the Candidate. |
"id": "1002d6bca6acdfcbb8442178",
海外app加速器: "event",
"type": "invitation.expired",
"created_at": pp加速器手机官方版,
pp加速器国际版: "",
"data": {
"object": {
"id": "16241770f7f7be1c57c85176",
"status": "expired",
"uri": "/v1/invitations/16241770f7f7be1c57c85176",
"invitation_url": "",
"completed_at": null,
"deleted_at": null,
"expires_at": "2017-05-21T17:45:34Z",
"package": "tasker_pro",
"object": 旋风app加速器,
pp加速器安卓: "2017-05-14T17:45:34Z",
"candidate_id": "fcb0084f6cb2423c069a35b3",
"report_id": pp加速器手机版
Event | 蚂蚁app加速器 |
invitation.created |
An Invitation has been created. |
invitation.completed |
An Invitation has been completed. |
invitation.expired |
An Invitation has expired. |
invitation.deleted |
An Invitation has been canceled. |
"id": "id",
"object": "event",
"type": 蚂蚁app加速器,
海外app加速器: "2018-07-12T00:06:40Z",
"data": {
"object": {
"id": "verification_id",
旋风app加速器: "verification",
"uri": "/v1/reports/report_id/verifications/verification_id",
"created_at": "2018-07-12T00:06:39Z",
蚂蚁app加速器: "2018-07-12T00:17:02Z",
pp加速器官网网页: "2018-07-12T00:17:04Z",
"verification_type": 旋风app加速器,
"verification_url": "",
"report_id": "report_id"
"account_id": "account_id"
Verification events are issued during the Exception process when a candidate is issued or has responded to a request to verify submitted PII.
Note: When verifications are automatically processed, and do not require manual input, the verification.processed
webhook is sent immediately after the verification.completed
webhook. These two webhooks may not arrive “in order”.
pp加速器 | Description |
verification.created |
A verification is created and a request to upload a document or enter the data is forwarded to the candidate. |
verification.completed |
A document is uploaded or data is entered by the candidate. |
verification.processed |
The data gathered by the verification is processed manually or automatically and a decision is made for the continuation of the background check. |
"id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
"object": "event",
"type": 蚂蚁app加速器,
"created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
"webhook_url": "",
"data": {
"object": {
"id": "4722c07dd9a10c3985ae432a",
"object": "report",
"uri": "/v1/reports/532e71cfe88a1d4e8d00000d",
"created_at": 粉色app加速器,
tap加速器下载: "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
"status": "clear",
旋风app加速器: "driver_pro",
"candidate_id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
"ssn_trace_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
"sex_offender_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000008",
"national_criminal_search_id": pp加速器免费正式版下载,
pp加速器安卓版下载: [
"state_criminal_search_ids": [
"motor_vehicle_report_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000007"
Event | Description |
report.created |
A new Report has been created. Status: pending |
pp加速器 |
A Report has been updated while the background check is run. This event is triggered on select update events, which include:
pending |
report.upgraded |
A Report has been upgraded. Upgrades can be triggered either from an API call or from the Dashboard ("Upgrade" button). This is useful if you want to run a package (such as an MVR) and then upgrade it on completion (for example: add a County Criminal Search). Status: pending |
report.completed |
A Report has been completed. Status: clear , consider |
report.suspended |
A Report has been suspended. Checkr is waiting for the candidate to provide additional documentation. Status: suspended |
report.resumed |
A Report has resumed. (The candidate has provided documentation to a previously "suspended" Report.) Status: pending |
pp加速器安卓版下载 |
A report has been assessed. Status: clear , 手机pp加速器 |
report.disputed |
A Report has been disputed by a candidate. Once a dispute has been completed, Checkr will trigger the report.completed webhook again with the appropriate Report status. Status: dispute |
report.pre_adverse_action |
The Pre-Adverse Action notice has been sent to the candidate of that report. Status: consider |
report.post_adverse_action |
The Post-Adverse Action notice has been sent to the candidate of that report. Status: consider |
report.engaged |
A Report has been adjudicated as "engaged". Use this event to track either all candidates you have officially engaged, or simply those candidates with a "consider" background check report that you have engaged. This can be triggered either from an API call or from the dashboard ("Engage" button). Status: 手机pp加速器 , clear , consider , suspended |
"id": "5c4fee84d5abd60049eaa4fe",
"object": "event",
手机app加速器: "adverse_action.notice_not_delivered",
"created_at": "2019-01-29T06:11:16Z",
"data": {
手机pp加速器: {
pp加速器免费正式版下载: "5c4f46eb805e59e228baacdd",
pp加速器手机官方版: pp加速器下载,
"uri": "/v1/adverse_actions/5c4f46eb805e59e228baacdd",
pp加速器安卓版下载: "pending",
旋风app加速器: "2019-01-28T18:16:11Z",
"canceled_at": null,
"post_notice_scheduled_at": null,
"post_notice_ready_at": "2019-02-04T18:16:11Z",
"delivery": {
"state": "error",
旋风app加速器: tap加速器下载,
"reason": "No MX for"
"individualized_assessment_engaged": false,
"report_id": "report_id",
"adverse_items": [
"id": "62532b9f6dd2279acc5eb3574bad5bc085892ecc",
"object": pp加速器下载,
"text": "** ACCIDENT **"
"id": "418759b62961971c0ce8d7a6858b6c6f457400d5",
pp加速器下载: pp加速器官网网页,
"text": pp加速器
"id": "e911042a437d735bbcbb6a98ab500bc62fc2b88e",
"object": "adverse_item",
"id": "09d83492f6a15b41e3e5c48a970df3a4f53e660c",
"object": "adverse_item",
"account_id": pp加速器免费正式版下载
Event | pp加速器国际版 |
IP加速器免费版下载 v3.3 - 软件学堂:2021-5-18 · IP加速器是一款运行了非常之久的稳定网速优化软件,这款网络加速软件支持现在非常之多的的游戏的网速优化加速,像现在市场上的LOL、DNF、CF等等不同类型的游戏的网络加速都是完全没问题的,现在的游戏在越来越好玩、越来越精美的同时对于配置、网络的要求是越来越高,虽然游戏的模式是 ... |
电信加速器_电信手机卡加速器_手机电信加速器_多特软件站 ...:2021-6-5 · 多特软件专题为您提供电信加速器,电信手机卡加速器,手机电信加速器;安卓苹果版软件app一应俱全。多特软件站只提供绿色 ... |
"id": "1002d6bca6acdfcbb8442178",
"object": "event",
"type": "package.created",
"created_at": "2017-04-20T16:44:00Z",
"webhook_url": "",
"data": {
pp加速器免费正式版下载: {
手机app加速器: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
"object": "package",
"uri": 薄荷网游加速器-千万级用户选择,延时低至毫秒级,免费试用:2021-5-21 · 薄荷加速器专注游戏加速服务,采用金融级专线,部署上百节点,有效解决游戏中遇到的延时高、登录卡顿、掉帧、瞬移等游戏问题。薄荷加速器是千万游戏用户的长期之选,超低延迟,拒绝卡 …,
"created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
pp加速器: null,
"name": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
"slug": "driver_pro",
"price": 6500,
"screenings": [
"type": "ssn_trace",
"subtype": null
"type": "county_criminal_search",
"subtype": "7years"
"type": "national_criminal_search",
"subtype": pp加速器官网网页
"type": "sex_offender_search",
"subtype": null
"type": "global_watchlist_search",
"subtype": null
手机pp加速器: 旋风app加速器,
"subtype": null
Event | Description |
pp加速器免费正式版下载 |
A Package has been created. |
package.updated |
A Package has been updated. |
package.deleted |
A Package has been deleted. |
Checkr partners with leading Staffing, On-Demand, Applicant Tracking Systems, and HR Systems to bring background checks to your customers. As a Checkr Partner, you can leverage the Checkr API to seamlessly connect your customers' Checkr accounts and integrate the background check process into your applications. Checkr's self-serve sign-up flow is fast, easy, and allows your customers to start running background checks within minutes after their account is credentialed. If you are interested in partnering with Checkr, submit this Checkr Partner Application form to connect with our Business Development team.
PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ...
This document describes how to:
Follow the instructions below to set up your account integration, then download and use this Checkr API Partner Developer Guide to build a background check workflow that serves both your and your customers' needs.
Once approved to become a Checkr Partner, your Checkr Partner Manager will ask you to provide the following information:
Field | pp加速器手机官方版 | Example |
name |
Your application's name or brand. | Partner Inc. |
description |
A short description of your application. | Partner Inc. is the next-generation ATS to revolutionize your talent acquisition funnel. |
url |
蚂蚁app加速器 | |
redirect_uri |
A page in your application to which your customers will be redirected after connecting, or failing to connect, their Checkr account. This URL must be HTTPS. | |
webhook_url |
An endpoint to which webhooks will be transmitted. | |
logo_url |
A URL or a file of your application's logo or brand. This image will appear in the Checkr onboarding flow. Square logos are preferred, like the kind found on Twitter or Facebook profiles. | |
Once your account is provisioned, Checkr will provide you with the following information for both live and test environments:
: a unique identifier for your application, generated by Checkr.client_secret
: a unique secret for your application, generated by Checkr.Use your partner credentials to enable the Checkr onboarding flow to connect your application with your customers' Checkr accounts. This flow uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to exchange tokens between your application and Checkr.
, and Checkr returns an authorization code as the URL parameter code
, your application retrieves an access_token
for the customer's Checkr account and stores this token in your application data store.account.credentialed
webhook to the configured webhook_url
once the process is completed.access_token
as an API key.
To enable your customers to authenticate with Checkr, create a button in your application that links to pp加速器不加速的原因以及解决方法_影音播放_软件教程 ...:2021-1-11 · 比如PP加速器,那么问题出来了,有网友安装了PP加速器(点击下载)还是不能加速的情况,那么小编就针对pp加速器不加速的情况教大家怎么解决吧。1、首先下载安装好PP加速器,安装路径不要安装到系统盘上,安装完成后,运行pp加速器即可。. Clicking this button will allow your customers to connect their existing Checkr account or sign up for a new Checkr account, and authorize the account to be linked to your application.
You may also use the following URL parameters to pass additional information to secure this link and prevent CSRF attacks:
Name | Required? | Description |
redirect_uri |
optional | URL to redirect to upon flow completion. Must match the configured 手机app加速器 and must use HTTPS protocol. |
state |
optional | String to be passed back as a URL parameter on redirect_uri upon flow completion. |
After your customer completes the authorization flow, they will be redirected to your configured redirect_uri
with the code
and pp加速器国际版下载
parameters (if provided). If using the state
parameter, confirm that the string is the same as was originally passed.
$ curl -X POST \
-d client_id=56269e3411a549fd07ed8d92 \
-d client_secret=179d8e7da5e70bc73239f6088012ac549924cb87 \
-d code=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJhMGNhNDlkYzM2MTZhYzE0NjhhN2VjZjYiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiOWNkY2E2MjllNmMwZGRmMzRjYjEyM2ZmIiwic2NvcGUiOiJyZWFkX3dyaXRlIiwiZXhwIjoxNTYzOTE1MTk4fQ.qPdVvmjRvk7JVq16QJySh-iAtgf-4G9RR1HfFH4rl6Y
"access_token": "xoxt-23984754863-2348975623103",
"scope": "read_write",
"checkr_account_id": "5d78dfa52ea938723b2f2ba3"
to retrieve an access_token
for the authorized customer.
Use the code
parameter included in the redirect with your pp加速器国际版
and client_secret
. This is a one-time process and the access_token
grants your application the right to make API calls to Checkr on behalf of the customer.
Name | Required? | Type | Description |
client_id |
required | string | A unique identifier for your application, generated by Checkr when you set up your account. |
client_secret |
pp加速器下载 | string | A unique secret for your application, generated by Checkr. |
code |
required | string | An authorization code used to retrieve an access token. This can be used only once and expires 5 minutes after creation. |
Checkr provides webhooks that allow you to monitor when your customers receive Checkr authorization, and when they deauthorize your application using the Checkr dashboard. Listen for these two webhooks to monitor your customers' status with Checkr.
海外app加速器: "807f1f77acf86cd799439071",
"object": pp加速器国际版,
"type": "account.credentialed",
"created_at": "2019-01-18T12:34:00Z",
"data": {
"object": {
"id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
pp加速器下载: "account",
"adverse_action_email": "",
"api_authorized": true,
"authorized": true,
"available_screenings": [
"billing_email": 旋风app加速器,
"company": {
"name": "Acme Corporation",
"dba_name": "ACME",
"street": pp加速器免费正式版下载,
"city": "Wilmington",
"state": "DE",
"zipcode": "19801",
"phone": "206-555-0100",
pp加速器国际版下载: "",
"industry": "52-59",
"incorporation_state": "DE",
"incorporation_type": "llc"
"compliance_contact_email": "",
pp加速器下载: "2016-09-29T17:39:49Z",
"default_compliance_city": "San Francisco",
"default_compliance_state": "CA",
"geos_required": false,
"name": "Acme Corp",
海外app加速器: "employment",
"support_email": 旋风app加速器,
"support_phone": 蚂蚁app加速器,
"technical_contact_email": "",
"uri": pp加速器安卓版下载:2021-6-11 · 免费VPN PP 的关键字 取消阻止任何内容 匿名隐私保护 VPN快速的VPN连接和互联网速度 ... 银河加速器... 下载 绿叶加速器 绿叶加速器... 下载 游戏 应用 500达人管理工具 下载 跳跳一族 ...,
"uri_name": "acme-corp"
"account_id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194"
New accounts must be pp加速器手机版 by our Customer Success team before they will be allowed to request background checks.
Once the credentialing process is complete, Checkr will issue an account.credentialed
webhook to the webhook_url
configured during partner application setup. We will also notify your customer by email.
If your customer's Checkr account is already credentialed, the account.credentialed
webhook will be issued immediately after the authorization flow is completed.
"id": "5612db68303137000a311000",
pp加速器安卓: "event",
"type": "token.deauthorized",
"created_at": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
pp加速器手机官方版: {
"object": {
"access_code": PP加速器0.5.0.0055官方版下载-下载吧:2021-5-14 · PP加速器(PPLive Video Accelerator)是一款免费的视频加速软件。 采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载,智能Cache等技术,为视频网站提供视频加速服务
You are able to deprovision your customer's account by calling the deauthorization endpoint directly with the customer's access_token
as an API key. Customers may also deauthorize your application using the Checkr dashboard. Checkr will issue a token.deauthorized
webhook to the webhook_url
configured during partner application setup.
The robust Checkr API offers significant flexibility and opportunity for developers to build a unique background screening program tailored to their product or business needs. This section describes additional features and capabilities that our customers find valuable.
In addition to offering "point-in-time" background checks, Checkr offers ongoing check services through our Subscription and Continuous Check products.
A Subscription enables a customer to order the same background check on the same candidate on a user-defined time interval. Subscriptions can be created, modified, or deleted both through the Checkr Dashboard and the Checkr API.
For more information on Subscriptions, please see Subscriptions: Run recurring background checks in the Checkr Help Center. For details on using the Checkr API to order a Subscription on a candidate through the API, please see the Subscription resource below.
If your use case requires an ongoing tracking of a candidate's criminal activity, Checkr also offers a Continuous Check product. Continuous Check is a subscription service that runs every 30 days, and looks for changes in a candidate's criminal data. If Checkr identifies a change within the previous year, the Continuous Check service will automatically kick off follow-up searches in the appropriate jurisdictions in order to generate a new background check report.
For more information, see Continuous Check: The new standard of safety in the Checkr Help Center. For information on using the Checkr Dashboard to order a Continuous Check package on a candidate, see Enroll a Candidate in Continuous Check in the Checkr Help Center. For information on using the Checkr APIs with Continuous Check, see the Continuous Check docs (PDF link).
PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ...
Checkr also offers the ability to "upgrade" a report based on a prior set of screening results. The most common use case for this feature is to order a Package that includes both a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) and a County Criminal Search. The report can be "upgraded" to run the County Criminal Search only after the MVR returns with a result. Checkr facilitates the following workflow:
request to Checkr's /reports/{id}
endpoint with the same Report ID and the new Package to requestFor more information on upgrading a Report, please see Update an existing Report below.
云豹加速器-小米应用商店 - Xiaomi:2021-5-7 · 小米应用商店提供云豹加速器免费下载,云豹是支持外网、外服游戏加速的全能加速器。采用国际光纤专线,安全私密一键跨境,不限流量畅游全球网站,超值赠送游戏加速,注册享免费体验。
$ curl -X POST \
-H PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ... \
-u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \
-d PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ...
The 绿叶加速器最新版下载
entity header is used to describe the media type of a resource. In requests, a Content-Type
header tells the server what type of data is being sent. In responses, it tells the client what type of data the returned content actually is.
Our default is to accept data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (which is typical for most websites you interact with), but you are free to send other data types, like application/json, as it suits you. Simply specify the Content-Type
in the header of the request.
$ curl -X GET\
?include=candidate,ssn_trace,county_criminal_searches \
-u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
网易UU网游加速器——玩出超快感,外服加速72小时免费:网易UU加速器,采用网易自主研发极速引擎,顶级IDC集群,全线高端刀片服务器!为网游用户解决延迟、掉线、卡机等问题,让你游戏更爽快!国服加速永久免费!外服加速72小时免费试用。海外直连专线,外服游戏加速效果业界顶尖!支持加速绝地求生、H1Z1、GTA5、CSGO,以及LOL英雄联盟、DNF地下城 …
The include
parameter specifies the names of resources that should be embedded in the response. Resources to embed must be comma-separated.
$ curl -X GET \
-u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
"data": [
"id": 手机pp加速器,
"object": pp加速器手机版,
"uri": "/v1/candidates/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
"created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
蚂蚁app加速器: "John",
"middle_name": 海外app加速器,
"no_middle_name": false,
"last_name": "Smith",
"mother_maiden_name": null,
"email": "",
"phone": "5555555555",
粉色app加速器: "90401",
"dob": "1970-01-22",
"ssn": "XXX-XX-4645",
"driver_license_number": null,
"driver_license_state": null,
"previous_driver_license_number": null,
"previous_driver_license_state": pp加速器国际版,
手机app加速器: false,
海外app加速器: pp加速器手机官方版,
"report_ids": []
手机pp加速器: "8b6eb2bf554ebbef7b6f885a",
"object": "candidate",
"uri": "/v1/candidates/8b6eb2bf554ebbef7b6f885a",
"created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
"first_name": "Michael",
pp加速器国际版: null,
"no_middle_name": true,
"last_name": "Johnson",
粉色app加速器: null,
"email": "",
"phone": pp加速器国际版下载,
"zipcode": "94407",
"dob": "1970-01-22",
"ssn": "XXX-XX-8605",
"driver_license_number": null,
"driver_license_state": null,
"previous_driver_license_number": null,
"previous_driver_license_state": 粉色app加速器,
"copy_requested": 手机pp加速器,
粉色app加速器: null,
"report_ids": []
旋风app加速器: "list",
"next_href": null,
"previous_href": "",
"count": 27
Pagination is enabled for endpoints that return a list of records.
There are two parameters that control pagination: page
, which specifies the page number to retrieve, and per_page
, which indicates how many records each page should contain. The default value of per_page
is 25 records.
Parameters | Description |
page |
integer greater than or equal to 1 |
per_page |
integer between 0 and 100 |
PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ...
Attributes | Description |
count |
integer the total number of items |
data |
array list of objects |
next_href |
pp加速器官网网页 URI to fetch the next page of results |
object |
string "list" |
previous_href |
string URI to fetch the previous page of results |
$ curl -I -X GET \
-u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
< X-Ratelimit-Limit: 600
< X-Ratelimit-Remaining: 9
< X-Ratelimit-Reset: 2018-02-02T16:39:00Z
pptv加速器_百度百科:PP加速器(PPTV加速器下载)官方正式版是一款免费的视频加速软件。PP加速器采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术,为视频网站提供视频加速服务,不单可以有效的为视频网站运营商减轻服务器压力、节省消耗带宽、减低实际 ...
If the rate limit is exceeded, the API responds with a HTTP 429 "Too Many Requests"
status code. The response has a X-Ratelimit-Reset
header that tells you when the rate limit count will reset.
Here are the headers related to rate limiting that our API returns for any requests:
Header | tap加速器下载 |
pp加速器手机官方版 |
Number of requests allowed per minute |
X-Ratelimit-Remaining |
Remaining number of requests allowed for the current minute |
X-Ratelimit-Reset |
Time at which the rate limit count resets |
Here are some recommendations to stay under the limit:
$ curl -v -X POST \
-u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \
-H 'Idempotency-Key: 40b23921-c005-4ec7-832a-3ae023dbbc11' \
-d package=driver_pro \
-d candidate_id=be529e5d8cc5ad26e655ce89
The Checkr API supports idempotency in POST requests. Use this feature to safely repeat POST requests without accidentally creating the same reports or candidates multiple times.
First, provide an Idempotency-Key: <key>
header to the POST request. This header value will be used server side to recognize retries of the same request.
The client side must then generate a unique value for every POST request, and re-use the same header value in any subsequent retry attempts. We recommend the use of V4 UUIDs to avoid collisions.
When serving the request with a new idempotency key, Checkr service will save the response (including status code, headers, body) for the first request if it is successful (2xx status), and return the saved response for later requests with the same idempotency key.
Note: The idempotency key expires after 24 hours. Retries with an expired idempotency key will be handled as new requests.
The Checkr API supports alphanumeric character input, as well as accented characters.
Corresponding regex character ranges: [a-zA-Z0-9ªµºÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]
ª | µ | º | À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ |
Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð |
Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | { | Ö | Ø | Ù | Ú | Û |
Ü | Ý | Þ | ß | à | á | â | ã | ä | å |
æ | ç | è | é | ê | ë | ì | í | î | ï |
ð | ñ | ò | ó | ô | õ | ö | ø | ù | ú |
û | ü | ý | þ | ÿ |
Checkr's API offers a number of error codes to facilitate your building and troubleshooting. Some common error codes include:
pp加速器国际版下载 | Response |
400 | SSN is invalid |
400 | 粉色app加速器 |
400 | First name must only contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, and commas |
400 | Last name must only contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, and commas |
400 | Report is too old to upgrade |
400 | Candidate must have a driver license number and a driver license state for the package mvr |
400 | Report has a pre-existing adverse action. See |
400 | SSN is invalid. TIN was provided. |
400 | SSN has already been taken |
400 | First name must only contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, and commas", "Last name must only contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, and commas |
400 | Candidate must_not have middle name when no_middle_name flag is set to true for the candidate report_id= |
400 | Report driver license state not supported or not enabled for account |
400 | DOB invalid - Candidate must be at least 18 year old |
400 | Candidate must have SSN for the package driver_premium |
400 | 网易uu加速器官方下载_网易uu加速器永久免费版下载-PC下载网:2021-10-14 · 网易uu加速器也有人叫网易悠悠加速器,不过这不是官方叫法,网易uu加速器体积小巧,占用内存少,同时用户直接可以使用手机或者微信登录,省去了繁琐的注册过程,操作简单便捷,为用户带来良好的游戏加速体验。 |
400 | Middle name must only contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, and commas. |
400 | Eyeriss系列论文总结 - 知乎:2021-11-4 · 新版加速器Eyeriss v2,跑MobileNet比Eyeriss快12.6倍,功耗低2.5 倍 为了少花一些cycle在“跳过0”这个过程上,采用CSC编码,如图4,先判断输入是否为0,输入为0直接跳过;如果输入不为0再判断权重是否为0,权重为0直接跳过,有不为0的权重时会继续在 ... |
400 | Candidate must have middle name when no_middle_name flag is set for the candidate report_id= |
400 | Number can't be blank, State can't be blank, State is not a valid US state |
400 | No middle name can not be updated, No middle name must have middle name when no_middle_name flag is set to false for the candidate candidate_id= |
403 | Forbidden |
403 | Sorry, your account is not approved for production |
409 | Duplicate geo, name: peninsulasw_wa, state: WA already exists |
409 | Duplicate report detected. No more than 3 reports per candidate can be created within a 24 hour period |
409 | Duplicate candidate detected. No more than 2 duplicate candidates can be created within a 24 hour period |
The Account resource includes account information and settings. Account information can be
updated from the Dashboard. Some Account settings, like available_screenings
, can be updated
only by Checkr. Contact our Customer Success team for more information.
Returns Account details for the authenticated account.
Account details
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "account",
- "adverse_action_email": "",
- "api_authorized": true,
- "authorized": true,
- "available_screenings": [
- "county_civil_search",
- "county_criminal_search",
- "municipal_criminal_search",
- "employment_verification",
- "federal_civil_search",
- "federal_criminal_search",
- "motor_vehicle_report",
- "national_criminal_search",
- "sex_offender_search",
- "ssn_trace",
- "state_criminal_search"
], - pp加速器安卓: "",
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: {
- "name": "Acme Corporation",
- pp加速器免费正式版下载: "ACME",
- "street": pp加速器国际版下载,
- "city": "Wilmington",
- pp加速器手机版: "DE",
- "zipcode": "19801",
- "phone": "206-555-0100",
- "website": "",
- "industry": "52-59",
- "incorporation_state": "DE",
- "incorporation_type": "llc"
}, - "compliance_contact_email": "",
- "created_at": "2020-01-07T00:26:49Z",
- "default_compliance_city": "San Francisco",
- "default_compliance_state": "CA",
- "geos_required": false,
- "name": pp加速器手机版,
- "purpose": "employment",
- "support_email": "",
- "support_phone": "206-555-0188",
- "technical_contact_email": pp加速器国际版,
- "uri": "/v1/accounts/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: "acme-corp"
Creates a customer Account associated with your Partner Application. Only Checkr Partners are authorized to use this endpoint.
client_id required | string Client credentials provided as part of your Partner Application. |
oauth_authorize | boolean Default: false 网络加速器_加速器下载_网络加速器软件有哪些|哪个好|排行榜 ...:2021-4-16 · 雷神加速器 版本:正式版6.2.2 大小:28.6MB 系统: Win版 雷神加速器,一直专注于研究网游延时产生的各种原因,针对网络环境自动优化,一键游戏加速,可根据不同的网络情况优选加速方 … |
name required | string 泡泡加速器_吃鸡加速器_网游加速器-「泡泡加速器官网」:2021-11-20 · 泡泡加速器是绝地求生加速器/ 吃鸡加速器,是专业为外服网游设计的网游加速器。泡泡加速器采用云智能加速技术,傻瓜式优化压榨电脑性能,按小时计费,方便快捷,畅玩到爽!登陆官网下载即 … |
default_compliance_city | string Nullable Fallback compliance city if candidate location is not provided. |
default_compliance_state | pp加速器手机pp加速器 Fallback compliance state if candidate location is not provided. Format: |
purpose pp加速器国际版下载 | string Values include: "employment" "business" "insurance" "tenant" PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ... |
user required | object |
company required | object |
Account details
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d client_id=pp加速器官网网页a549fd07ed8d92 \ -d name=Acme+Corporation \ -d default_compliance_state=CA \ -d purpose=employment \ -d user[full_name]=Jeanette+Hughes \ -d user[email] \ -d company[dba_name]=Acme \ -d company[industry]=72 \ -d company[street]=123+Main+Street \ -d company[city]=San Francisco \ -d company[state]=CA \ -d company[zipcode]=94107 \ -d company[tax_id]=123456789 \ -d company[incorporation_state]=CA \ -d company[incorporation_type]=association \ -d company[phone]=206-555-海外app加速器 \ -d company[website]
{- "id": 旋风app加速器,
- "object": pp加速器官网网页,
- "adverse_action_email": pp加速器国际版,
- pp加速器国际版: true,
- "authorized": true,
- "available_screenings": [
- "county_civil_search",
- "county_criminal_search",
- "municipal_criminal_search",
- "employment_verification",
- "federal_civil_search",
- "federal_criminal_search",
- "motor_vehicle_report",
- "national_criminal_search",
- "sex_offender_search",
- "ssn_trace",
- "state_criminal_search"
], - "billing_email": "",
- "company": {
- "name": "Acme Corporation",
- "dba_name": pp加速器免费正式版下载,
- "street": "123 Main St",
- "city": "Wilmington",
- "state": "DE",
- "zipcode": "19801",
- "phone": "206-555-0100",
- "website": "",
- "industry": "52-59",
- "incorporation_state": "DE",
- "incorporation_type": "llc"
}, - "compliance_contact_email": "",
- "created_at": "2020-01-07T00:26:49Z",
- "default_compliance_city": "San Francisco",
- 手机app加速器: "CA",
- 手机pp加速器: false,
- "name": "Acme Corp",
- "purpose": "employment",
- "support_email": "",
- "support_phone": 手机app加速器,
- "technical_contact_email": "",
- "uri": "/v1/accounts/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "uri_name": "acme-corp"
Use the Hierarchy endpoint to structure your Account as a grouping of individual entities (Nodes) that represent your business with respect to your hiring and background check needs.
The parent-child relationship of Nodes may then be used to manage the relationship of your Packages and other account settings to Users and Candidates within your Account. Once defined, use the Checkr Dashboard to assign Nodes to Users, Packages, your Positive Adjudication Matrix, and other aspects of your Checkr Account.
Specifying a unique ID (custom_id) for each Node in the hierarchy allows you to edit the structure of your hierarchy without dissociating any Packages, PAMs, or Users assigned directly to the individual nodes. As nodes are moved to different locations within the hierarchy they will inherit Packages or PAMs from their new parent that may differ from the last, but Packages assigned directly to the node will not change.
For more information on Checkr's Account Hierarchy Management tools, please see the Account Hierarchy Mangement User Guides in the Help Center.
Creates a new or replaces an existing Account Hierarchy.
The Hierarchy endpiont performs ingestion asynchronously. Check the status
of the ingestion by calling GET /v1/hierarchy/status
. Once ingested, use the Checkr Dashboard to assign your nodes to Packages, PAMs, and Users.
nodes required | Array of objects (HierarchyNode) |
PP加速器官方版-PPVA下载 V0.6.5.0007 免费版 - 安下载:2021-9-19 · PP加速器是一款视频下载加速软件,可以对在线观看视频提供加速服务,它可以帮助用户在下载视频文件的时候提供加速功能,用户在下载视频时都会感觉到直接下载的视频文件会很慢,尤其是面对大视频文件时,此时很多用户都会选择降低视频的画质质量,例如将蓝光的变成超清;如果您使用了该 ...
Bad Request
Ingestion already in progress
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -H steambuy助手下载_免费加速器下载_52pk软件下载:2021-11-8 · 而且加速器现在是完全免费,如果你只是玩吃鸡、csgo、h1z1的话推荐用这个 比现在市面上月供30的加速器好用多了。 【下载说明】 网盘密码:taau 【软件截图】 steambuy助手吃鸡免费加速器下载 steambuy助手吃鸡免费加速器下载 \ -u d3a265269d18997528b04cfa82bc6a108c1b8553: \ -d '{ "nodes": [{"name":"Acme Staffing", "tier": "department", "custom_id": "zpy8orej4r614ize"}, {"name":"Drivers Staffing", "tier": "divison", "custom_id": "ocquzig4k3whppfx", "parent_custom_id": "zpy8orej4r614ize"}]}'
{- "sync_id": PP加速器官方版-PPVA下载 V0.6.5.0007 免费版 - 安下载:2021-9-19 · PP加速器是一款视频下载加速软件,可以对在线观看视频提供加速服务,它可以帮助用户在下载视频文件的时候提供加速功能,用户在下载视频时都会感觉到直接下载的视频文件会很慢,尤其是面对大视频文件时,此时很多用户都会选择降低视频的画质质量,例如将蓝光的变成超清;如果您使用了该 ...,
- pp加速器: "2020-02-11T00:27:14Z"
Retrieves the current Hierarchy for the Account.
Use GET /hierarchy
to return the hierarchy in its entirety, or from a specific
node to its children. The returned JSON object will include the Packages
assigned to each node in the dashboard. This is useful for building
UIs that truncate the list of Packages displayed to a requester, or
display only the nodes that are relevant to the requester.
Output is arranged hierarchically, with child nodes accessible through the parent node.
node_custom_ids | Array of strings An array of |
The hierarchy for the account.
Not Found
Main server
$ curl \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "sync_id": "account-da78fa2cd1e6ebee4b5975aa",
- "time": "2020-01-01T08:00:00Z",
- "nodes": [
- {
- "name": "Acme Staffing",
- "custom_id": 海外app加速器,
- "tier": pp加速器手机版,
- 海外app加速器: [
- { }
Returns the status of the latest Hierarchy ingestion request.
This call requires no input, and is provided as a means to determine the progress of an
asynchronous POST /hierarchy
The current status of hierarchy ingestion.
Main server
$ curl \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "hierarchy_present": true,
- "hierarchy_pending": false,
- pp加速器国际版下载: {
- "sync_id": "account-da78fa2cd1e6ebee4b5975aa",
- "time": "2020-01-01T08:00:00Z",
- "successful": false,
- "errors": [
- "Row 1: Validation failed: Name required"
Candidates represent people who have applied for positions within your company, and have agreed to a background check. Use the Candidate object to collect all Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for a candidate, and all relevant Checkr information, including any generated Reports, or attached Geos.
Creates a new Candidate resource.
The Candidate resource’s required attributes vary depending on its intended use. If this resource is to be used in conjunction with the Invitations API (in which the invitation apply form collects the Candidate's personal information), the only strictly required Candidate attribute is email
If this resource is to be used to generate any other report type, other personal information is also required.
Attributes required to generate a Report include:
or no_middle_name
Attributes required to generate a Report with a criminal check screening:
Attributes required to generate a report with a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) screening:
PP加速器官方版-PPVA下载 V0.6.5.0007 免费版 - 安下载:2021-9-19 · PP加速器是一款视频下载加速软件,可以对在线观看视频提供加速服务,它可以帮助用户在下载视频文件的时候提供加速功能,用户在下载视频时都会感觉到直接下载的视频文件会很慢,尤其是面对大视频文件时,此时很多用户都会选择降低视频的画质质量,例如将蓝光的变成超清;如果您使用了该 ...
(mobile phone number)Validation for these attributes is performed when requesting a Report, as the requirements depend on the Package.
Checkr's product incorporates SSN field controls designed to not accept SSNs with the following characteristics:
first_name required | 旋风app加速器 non-empty [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* Candidate’s first name. |
middle_name | string [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* Candidate’s middle name. This field is required if |
no_middle_name | boolean Default: false Required if no |
last_name required | string 粉色app加速器 [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* Candidate’s last name. |
mother_maiden_name | string [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ... |
email required | string <email> Candidate’s email address. |
phone | stringpp加速器安卓版下载 手机app加速器 |
zipcode | string Candidate’s 5-digit zip code. |
dob | string <date> Candidate’s date of birth. |
ssn | string Candidate’s Social Security Number. This value will be redacted in all return calls, except for the last four digits. |
driver_license_number | string Candidate’s driver license number. |
driver_license_state | string Candidate’s driver license state of issue.
Format: |
previous_driver_license_number | pp加速器官网网页 Candidate’s previous driver license number. |
previous_driver_license_state | string State that issued the candidate’s previous driver license.
Format: |
copy_requested | boolean Default: false If |
geo_ids | Array of strings Array of Geo IDs. |
Candidate was successfully created
Bad Request
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d first_name=John \ -d middle_name=Alfred \ -d last_name=Smith \ -d \ -d phone=5555555555 \ -d zipcode=90401 \ -d dob=1970-01-22 \ -d ssn=847-43-4645 \ -d driver_license_number=F211165 \ -d driver_license_state=CA
{- pp加速器手机官方版: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "candidate",
- "uri": 云豹加速器-小米应用商店 - Xiaomi:2021-5-7 · 小米应用商店提供云豹加速器免费下载,云豹是支持外网、外服游戏加速的全能加速器。采用国际光纤专线,安全私密一键跨境,不限流量畅游全球网站,超值赠送游戏加速,注册享免费体验。,
- "first_name": "John",
- "middle_name": pp加速器安卓,
- "no_middle_name": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "last_name": "Smith",
- "mother_maiden_name": "Jones",
- "email": "",
- pp加速器免费正式版下载: 5555555555,
- "zipcode": 90401,
- pp加速器国际版: "1970-01-22",
- "ssn": "XXX-XX-4645",
- "driver_license_number": "F211165",
- "driver_license_state": "CA",
- "previous_driver_license_number": "F1501739",
- "previous_driver_license_state": "MD",
- "copy_requested": false,
- pp加速器手机官方版: "string",
- "report_ids": [
- 手机app加速器
], - 海外app加速器: [
- 旋风app加速器
], - "adjudication": "engaged"
Lists existing Candidates with the input parameters.
string Returns candidates with the input email address. | |
full_name | string Returns candidates with the input |
adjudication | string Returns candidates with the input adjudication. |
custom_id | string Returns candidates with the input |
created_after | string <date-time> Returns candidates created after the input timestamp. |
created_before | 蚂蚁app加速器手机pp加速器 Returns candidates created before the input timestamp. |
geo_id | string Returns candidates with the input |
program_id | 海外app加速器 Returns candidates with the input |
List of Candidates
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 海外app加速器,
- "object": "candidate",
- "uri": "/v1/candidates/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "first_name": "John",
- 手机app加速器: "Alfred",
- "no_middle_name": 手机app加速器,
- "last_name": pp加速器国际版下载,
- "mother_maiden_name": "Jones",
- "email": "",
- "phone": 5555555555,
- "zipcode": 90401,
- "dob": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "ssn": "XXX-XX-4645",
- "driver_license_number": "F211165",
- "driver_license_state": 手机app加速器,
- PP加速器_百度知道:2021-8-23 · 在看视频文件时PP加速器会自动运行,但是退出时却总是出现“该内存不能为read”,同时还会出现死机,就是因为这个我刚刚做了一键恢复,但还是这样,请教各位怎么解决?把它卸载了不用可以吗?频繁死机都是跟这个有关吗?: "F1501739",
- 云豹加速器-小米应用商店 - Xiaomi:2021-5-7 · 小米应用商店提供云豹加速器免费下载,云豹是支持外网、外服游戏加速的全能加速器。采用国际光纤专线,安全私密一键跨境,不限流量畅游全球网站,超值赠送游戏加速,注册享免费体验。: 手机pp加速器,
- "copy_requested": 手机pp加速器,
- "custom_id": "string",
- "report_ids": [
- 旋风app加速器
], - "geo_ids": [
- "79f943e212cce7de21c054a8"
], - "adjudication": "engaged"
], - "object": "list",
- "next_href": ""
Updates an existing Candidate.
Attempts to update a field that cannot be updated will return a 400 error stating "... cannot be updated”. For example, attempting to update an SSN will return 400 stating "Candidate SSN can not be updated because it has reports”.
Updating geo_ids
will 旋风app加速器 all existing Geos. To keep existing geos, include their IDs in the update request.
Only fields with null
values can be updated after a Report has been ordered for a Candidate with the exception of the following fields:
id required | string 绿叶加速器最新版下载 |
first_name | string non-empty [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* Candidate’s first name. |
middle_name | string [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* Candidate’s middle name. This field is required if |
no_middle_name | boolean Default: false Required if no |
last_name | string non-empty [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* 旋风app加速器 |
mother_maiden_name | pp加速器下载 [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* PP加速器_百度知道:2021-8-23 · 在看视频文件时PP加速器会自动运行,但是退出时却总是出现“该内存不能为read”,同时还会出现死机,就是因为这个我刚刚做了一键恢复,但还是这样,请教各位怎么解决?把它卸载了不用可以吗?频繁死机都是跟这个有关吗? |
string <email> Candidate’s email address. | |
phone | string Nullable Candidate’s phone number. |
zipcode | string Candidate’s 5-digit zip code. |
dob | string <date> Candidate’s date of birth. |
ssn | string Candidate’s Social Security Number. This value will be redacted in all return calls, except for the last four digits. |
driver_license_number | pp加速器下载 Candidate’s driver license number. |
driver_license_state | string Candidate’s driver license state of issue.
Format: |
previous_driver_license_number | string Candidate’s previous driver license number. |
previous_driver_license_state | string State that issued the candidate’s previous driver license.
Format: |
copy_requested | boolean Default: false If |
custom_id | string Client-assigned unique ID for the Candidate. Can be used to map Checkr Candidate IDs to your internal tracking system, and to search for Candidates through both the Dashboard and the API. |
geo_ids | Array of strings Array of Geo IDs. |
adjudication | string Values include: "engaged" "pre_adverse_action" "post_adverse_action" The adjudication for the Candidate’s most recently created Report. |
Candidate was successfully updated
Bad Request
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d first_name=John \ -d middle_name=Alfred \ -d last_name=Smith \ -d \ -d phone=pp加速器免费正式版下载 \ -d zipcode=海外app加速器 \ -d dob=1970-01-22 \ -d ssn=543-43-4645 \ -d 'geo_ids[]=87f5bb4983eade22c55f4731&geo_ids[]=22b20140fc1adfae693ca35c'
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "candidate",
- "uri": "/v1/candidates/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "first_name": "John",
- 手机pp加速器: "Alfred",
- 旋风app加速器: false,
- "last_name": "Smith",
- "mother_maiden_name": "Jones",
- "email": pp加速器国际版,
- "phone": 5555555555,
- "zipcode": 90401,
- "dob": "1970-01-22",
- "ssn": "XXX-XX-4645",
- "driver_license_number": "F211165",
- "driver_license_state": "CA",
- "previous_driver_license_number": 粉色app加速器,
- "previous_driver_license_state": "MD",
- "copy_requested": false,
- "custom_id": "string",
- "report_ids": [
- "532e71cfe88a1d4e8d00000d"
], - 手机pp加速器: [
- "79f943e212cce7de21c054a8"
], - "adjudication": "engaged"
PP加速器下载【PP加速器PPVA版】下载_第三 ...:2021-4-20 · PP加速器是一款基于Internet 网络的视频加速软件,完全免费,直接下载安装即可。 使用PP加速器为您在线视频提供加速服务后,您在线观看视频时的下载速度能够提升2-4倍,从而解决在线观看视频过程中,因遇到网络高峰时间或是东西南北不同网络互通 ...
id required | string The Candidate's ID. |
Candidate details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": 手机app加速器,
- "object": "candidate",
- "uri": "/v1/candidates/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "first_name": "John",
- "middle_name": "Alfred",
- "no_middle_name": false,
- "last_name": "Smith",
- "mother_maiden_name": "Jones",
- "email": "",
- pp加速器国际版: 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "zipcode": 90401,
- "dob": 海外app加速器,
- "ssn": "XXX-XX-4645",
- "driver_license_number": "F211165",
- "driver_license_state": pp加速器国际版,
- "previous_driver_license_number": "F1501739",
- "previous_driver_license_state": "MD",
- "copy_requested": false,
- "custom_id": "string",
- 海外app加速器: [
- "532e71cfe88a1d4e8d00000d"
], - "geo_ids": [
- "79f943e212cce7de21c054a8"
], - "adjudication": "engaged"
Requests the removal of PII from an existing Candidate
Requesting the removal of PII from a candidate who has already had PII removed will result in an error.
id required | pp加速器手机版 The Candidate's ID. |
deletion_contact_email_address required | string Email address of person requesting candidate's PII removal. |
deletion_contact_first_name | string pp加速器官方最新版下载 - 量产资源网:2021-3-21 · pp加速器支持用户在线观看PPTV网站视频,能在您观看短视频网站的时候进行加速。帮您解决观看短视频时的“卡”“顿”的现象。目前支持:Youtube、土豆、优酷、56、酷6、新浪播客等短视频网站。视频加速,速度提升300%,完全免 |
deletion_contact_last_name | string Last name of person requesting candidate's PII removal. |
Candidate details
Bad Request
{- 薄荷网游加速器-千万级用户选择,延时低至毫秒级,免费试用:2021-5-21 · 薄荷加速器专注游戏加速服务,采用金融级专线,部署上百节点,有效解决游戏中遇到的延时高、登录卡顿、掉帧、瞬移等游戏问题。薄荷加速器是千万游戏用户的长期之选,超低延迟,拒绝卡 …: 粉色app加速器,
- "deletion_contact_first_name": "John",
- "deletion_contact_last_name": pp加速器免费正式版下载
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "candidate",
- "uri": "/v1/candidates/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "first_name": "John",
- "middle_name": "Alfred",
- "no_middle_name": 手机pp加速器,
- "last_name": "Smith",
- "mother_maiden_name": 海外app加速器,
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: pp加速器免费正式版下载,
- "phone": pp加速器,
- "zipcode": 90401,
- pp加速器手机官方版: "1970-01-22",
- pp加速器安卓: "XXX-XX-4645",
- "driver_license_number": pp加速器官网网页,
- "driver_license_state": "CA",
- "previous_driver_license_number": "F1501739",
- "previous_driver_license_state": "MD",
- "copy_requested": false,
- "custom_id": "string",
- "report_ids": [
- "532e71cfe88a1d4e8d00000d"
], - "geo_ids": [
- "79f943e212cce7de21c054a8"
], - "adjudication": "engaged"
Reports are the core of the Checkr process, and contain all information relevant to a candidate’s requested background check. Reports include the status of the background check process, the list of searches included in the check, and the Package requested. Depending on the Package selected, a report may include any combination of Checkr Screenings listed below.
For more information on the searches listed, see Screenings (below), or Screening Types in the Checkr Help Center.
When a Report is sent to a candidate, it is generated as a PDF Report resource.
Creates a new Report resource.
旋风app加速器Credit Checks require a complete Candidate address, and may not be
initiated using the /reports
API. Please use the /invitations
API to initiate the Checkr Hosted
Invitation Flow to order Credit Checks for your Candidates.
Requirements for Accounts using Checkr's Account Hierarchy Management APIs are called out in the definition for the required flags.
candidate_id required | string ID of the Candidate screened. |
package pp加速器手机版 | string Name of the Package.
Example: |
node | string pp加速器手机官方版 for hierarchy-enabled accounts.
work_locations | pp加速器官网网页objects海外app加速器 Required for hierarchy-enabled accounts. Array of City and State key-value pairs. State is required; city is optional. |
tags | Array of strings 手机pp加速器 |
Report was successfully created
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d package=driver_pro \ -d candidate_id=e44aa283528e6fde7d542194
{- pp加速器手机官方版: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": pp加速器官网网页,
- "uri": "/v1/reports/4722c07dd9a10c3985ae432a",
- "status": "clear",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "revised_at": null,
- 手机app加速器: null,
- "turnaround_time": 90,
- "adjudication": "engaged",
- "package": "driver_pro",
- "source": "api",
- pp加速器国际版: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "drug_screening": {
- "id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "status": "clear",
- pp加速器下载: "negative",
- "mro_notes": "Diluted Sample",
- "analytes": [
- {
- "name": "Marijuana",
- "disposition": "negative",
- "specimen_type": "urine"
], - "events": [
- {
- "type": "status_update",
- "text": "Specimen Sent to Lab",
- "created_at": "2014-01-19T11:28:31Z"
], - "screening_pass_expires_at": "2014-01-19T11:28:31Z",
- "appointment_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001"
}, - 绿叶加速器最新版下载: "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "arrest_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "drug_screening_id": 蚂蚁app加速器,
- "facis_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "federal_criminal_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "global_watchlist_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "sex_offender_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000008",
- "national_criminal_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000006",
- "county_criminal_search_ids": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "personal_reference_verification_ids": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "professional_reference_verification_ids": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "motor_vehicle_report_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000007",
- "identity_document_verification_id": "539fd88c101897f6cd000010",
- "state_criminal_searches": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "document_ids": [
- "539fdcf335496a0ef4000003"
], - "geo_ids": [
- "87f5bb4983eade22c55f4731"
], - "program_id": "00166f9ff39ec7b453adfaec",
- "candidate_story_ids": [
- "989b4c2d83dd8a81547f2dae"
], - "estimated_completion_time": "2019-07-31T00:00:00Z"
Updates the Package or adjudication for an existing Report resource.
Reports which include the Candidate's Social Security Number may be updated using this endpoint. To update a Report which does not include an SSN, first use the update Candidate request to add the candidate’s SSN before updating the report. Attempts to update a report that is missing an SSN will result in a 400 error “Candidate must have SSN to upgrade report.”
Either package
or adjudication
is required.
Note: The Package of a Report cannot be updated if it has an Adverse Action with the status: complete
or dispute
. To proceed, cancel the Adverse Action or create a new Report.
id 粉色app加速器 | string The Report's ID. |
package | string Short name of the Package. |
adjudication | string Values include: "engaged" "pre_adverse_action" 手机pp加速器 |
Report was successfully updated
Pre-existing Adverse Action
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d package=driver_pro
{- tap加速器下载: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "report",
- "uri": "/v1/reports/4722c07dd9a10c3985ae432a",
- 手机pp加速器: "clear",
- "created_at": tap加速器下载,
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "revised_at": null,
- "upgraded_at": tap加速器下载,
- "turnaround_time": 90,
- "adjudication": "engaged",
- "package": 海外app加速器,
- "source": "api",
- "candidate_id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "drug_screening": {
- "id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "status": pp加速器安卓,
- "disposition": "negative",
- "mro_notes": "Diluted Sample",
- "analytes": [
- {
- "name": "Marijuana",
- "disposition": "negative",
- "specimen_type": "urine"
], - "events": [
- {
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: "status_update",
- "text": pp加速器安卓,
- "created_at": "2014-01-19T11:28:31Z"
], - "screening_pass_expires_at": "2014-01-19T11:28:31Z",
- "appointment_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001"
}, - "ssn_trace_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "arrest_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "drug_screening_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "facis_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "federal_criminal_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- 海外app加速器: "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "sex_offender_search_id": 手机pp加速器,
- "national_criminal_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000006",
- "county_criminal_search_ids": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "personal_reference_verification_ids": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "professional_reference_verification_ids": [
- 旋风app加速器
], - "motor_vehicle_report_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000007",
- "identity_document_verification_id": "539fd88c101897f6cd000010",
- "state_criminal_searches": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "document_ids": [
- "539fdcf335496a0ef4000003"
], - "geo_ids": [
- "87f5bb4983eade22c55f4731"
], - "program_id": "00166f9ff39ec7b453adfaec",
- "candidate_story_ids": [
- "989b4c2d83dd8a81547f2dae"
], - 手机app加速器: "2019-07-31T00:00:00Z"
Returns an existing Report with the input ID.
id required | string The Report's ID. |
include | string Values include: "arrest_search" "candidate" "candidate_stories" "county_civil_searches" "county_criminal_searches" pp加速器手机官方版 "dispute_comments" "documents" "drug_screening" "education_verification" "employment_verification" "eviction_search" "facis_search" "federal_civil_search" pp加速器官网网页 "geos" "global_watchlist_search" "identity_document_verification" PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ... 手机app加速器 "municipal_criminal_searches" "national_criminal_search" "personal_reference_verifications" "photo_verification" "pointer_state_criminal_searches" PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ... "program" "public_comments" "self_disclosures" "sex_offender_search" "ssn_trace" "state_criminal_searches" "terrorist_watchlist_search" Example: include=?include=candidate,drug_screening Comma delimitated string indicating how to populate the returned Report object. See pp加速器安卓. |
Report details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "report",
- "uri": "/v1/reports/4722c07dd9a10c3985ae432a",
- "status": "clear",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "revised_at": null,
- "upgraded_at": null,
- "turnaround_time": 90,
- "adjudication": pp加速器,
- pp加速器手机版: "driver_pro",
- 旋风app加速器: "api",
- "candidate_id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "drug_screening": {
- "id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "status": 海外app加速器,
- pp加速器: "negative",
- pp加速器手机版: "Diluted Sample",
- 海外app加速器: [
- {
- pp加速器官网网页: pp加速器国际版下载,
- "disposition": "negative",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: pp加速器下载
], - "events": [
- {
- "type": "status_update",
- "text": "Specimen Sent to Lab",
- "created_at": "2014-01-19T11:28:31Z"
], - "screening_pass_expires_at": "2014-01-19T11:28:31Z",
- "appointment_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001"
}, - "ssn_trace_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "arrest_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "drug_screening_id": 粉色app加速器,
- "facis_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "federal_criminal_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "global_watchlist_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: "539fd88c101897f7cd000008",
- "national_criminal_search_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000006",
- pp加速器手机官方版: [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "personal_reference_verification_ids": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "professional_reference_verification_ids": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "motor_vehicle_report_id": "539fd88c101897f7cd000007",
- "identity_document_verification_id": "539fd88c101897f6cd000010",
- "state_criminal_searches": [
- "539fdcf335644a0ef4000003"
], - "document_ids": [
- "539fdcf335496a0ef4000003"
], - "geo_ids": [
- "87f5bb4983eade22c55f4731"
], - "program_id": "00166f9ff39ec7b453adfaec",
- "candidate_story_ids": [
- "989b4c2d83dd8a81547f2dae"
], - "estimated_completion_time": "2019-07-31T00:00:00Z"
Packages are a list of screenings to be run for a report. Work with your Checkr Customer Success representative to define Packages that will best serve your business needs.
Returns a list of all existing Packages.
List of Packages
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "package",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: "/v1/packages/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "deleted_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "name": 手机pp加速器,
- "slug": "criminal_pro",
- "price": 6500,
- "screenings": [
- {
- "type": "ssn_trace",
- "subtype": null
], - "object": "list",
- pp加速器国际版: "",
- "previous_href": "",
- "count": 2
pp加速器:2021-4-26 · PP加速器 苹果下载 安卓下载 PP加速器安卓版 版本号:1.7.3 时间:05-01 下载 PP加速器 安卓版 版本号:1.7.4 时间:05-01 下载 PP加速器 苹果版 版本号:1.7.3 时间:05-01 ...
id 海外app加速器 | string ID of the Package to retrieve. |
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "package",
- "uri": 现在有什么加速器是免费的 - Sogou:2021-6-27 · PP加速器~ 非常好用 评论 0 0 加载更多 m.恍惚 6级 2021-07-04 回答 PP就是免费的 评论 0 0 加载更多 老许 6级 2021-07-07 回答 没有免费的加速器,可用的都需要收费 评论 ...,
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "deleted_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "name": "Criminal Pro",
- "slug": "criminal_pro",
- "price": 6500,
- "screenings": [
- {
- pp加速器国际版下载: 旋风app加速器,
- "subtype": null
Deletes an existing Package.
id pp加速器安卓 | string ID of the Package to retrieve. |
Package was successfully deleted
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X DELETE \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- 海外app加速器: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "package",
- "uri": "/v1/packages/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "deleted_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- pp加速器官网网页: "Criminal Pro",
- "slug": "criminal_pro",
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: 6500,
- "screenings": [
- {
- "type": "ssn_trace",
- "subtype": null
Represents a background check invitation. The candidate will receive an email to submit their information.
Note: By default, the date of expiration is set to 7 days after creation. All invitations expire at 11:59:59pm PDT. This enables candidates to have a full last day to complete their invitation.
Creates a new Invitation resource.
package tap加速器下载 | string Values dependent on your Account settings. |
candidate_id required | 海外app加速器 ID of the Candidate for whom the Invitation is created. |
node | string pp加速器免费正式版下载 for hierarchy-enabled accounts.
work_locations | Array of objects (WorkLocation) Required for hierarchy-enabled accounts. Array of City and State key-value pairs. State is required; city is optional. |
tags | Array of 手机app加速器 Array of tags for the Report. |
Invitation was successfully created
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d candidate_id=e44aa283528e6fde7d542194 \ -d package=driver_pro
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "invitation",
- "uri": 360网游加速器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-6-17 · 360网游加速器是360官方出品的网游加速软件,支持时下热门的英雄联盟、穿越火线、斗战神等五十余款网游,为您打造更加流畅的游戏体验,360网游加速器操作简单,点击一键加速后,即可完成加速操作,是小水管玩家的网游必备工具。,
- "invitation_url": "",
- "status": "pending",
- 蚂蚁app加速器: "2015-05-14T17:45:34Z",
- "expires_at": "2015-05-21T17:45:34Z",
- "completed_at": pp加速器国际版,
- "deleted_at": null,
- "package": "driver_pro",
- "candidate_id": "551564b7865af96a28b13f36",
- "report_id": null
Returns a list of existing Invitations with the input status
or candidate_id
If no parameters are passed, returns all Invitations.
If candidate_id
or pp加速器国际版
is passed, returns Invitations that match the input parameter.
If both candidate_id
and status
are passed, return Invitations that match both parameters.
Returns 400 if the (optional) status
parameter is not pending
, expired
, or completed
candidate_id | string ID of the candidate to whom the invitation was issued. |
status | string Values include: 绿叶加速器最新版下载 "completed" "expired" Status of the Invitation. |
List of Invitations
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d status=pending
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- 旋风app加速器: "invitation",
- "uri": PP加速器_百度知道:2021-8-23 · 在看视频文件时PP加速器会自动运行,但是退出时却总是出现“该内存不能为read”,同时还会出现死机,就是因为这个我刚刚做了一键恢复,但还是这样,请教各位怎么解决?把它卸载了不用可以吗?频繁死机都是跟这个有关吗?,
- "invitation_url": "",
- "status": "pending",
- "created_at": "2015-05-14T17:45:34Z",
- "expires_at": "2015-05-21T17:45:34Z",
- "completed_at": null,
- pp加速器免费正式版下载: null,
- "package": "driver_pro",
- "candidate_id": "551564b7865af96a28b13f36",
- pp加速器安卓: null
], - "object": "list",
- "count": 2
Returns an existing Invitation with the input ID.
id pp加速器手机版 | pp加速器国际版下载 The Invitation's ID. |
Invitation details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "invitation",
- "uri": "/v1/invitations/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "invitation_url": "【pp影视播放器下载】PP影视 1.03-ZOL软件下载:2021-5-26 · PP影视(PPVoD)是PP点点通系列产品中最新推出的一款基于流媒体点播和BT ... 雷神加速器 线刷宝 最新更新 新增软件 1优酷视频播放器 7.9.8 2优酷客户端 7.9.8 3芒果TV 6.2.2 ...",
- "status": "pending",
- "created_at": pp加速器官网网页,
- pp加速器手机版: 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "completed_at": null,
- "deleted_at": null,
- "package": "driver_pro",
- "candidate_id": "551564b7865af96a28b13f36",
- "report_id": null
Cancels an existing Invitation.
id required | string The Invitation's ID. |
Invitation was successfully canceled
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X DELETE \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9
{- "id": 蚂蚁app加速器,
- pp加速器手机版: "invitation",
- "uri": "/v1/invitations/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "invitation_url": "",
- tap加速器下载: "pending",
- "created_at": "2015-05-14T17:45:34Z",
- "expires_at": "2015-05-21T17:45:34Z",
- "completed_at": 手机app加速器,
- "deleted_at": null,
- pp加速器国际版下载: pp加速器,
- "candidate_id": "551564b7865af96a28b13f36",
- "report_id": null
Represents a candidate geography.
Creates a new Geo resource.
Note: Attempting to create a new Geo with the same name/state combination will result in an 409 error
name required | string PP加速器免费下载官方版下载_PP加速器免费下载 - Win7旗舰版:2021-5-9 · PP加速器(PPLive Video Accelerator)是一款免费的视频加速软件。 采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术,为视频网站提供视频加速服务,不单可以有效的为视频网站运营 ... |
state required | string 手机app加速器 |
city | string A major city within the input state. |
Geo was successfully created
Bad Request
Duplicate geo
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d name=San+Francisco \ -d city=San+Francisco \ -d state=CA
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "geo",
- "uri": "/v1/geos/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "created_at": "2015-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "name": "SF CA",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- 手机pp加速器: "CA",
- "deleted_at": null
Returns a list of existing Geos with the input name
or state
name | string Returns all Geos with the input |
state | string Returns all Geos with the input state. |
List of Geos
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "geo",
- "uri": "/v1/geos/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "created_at": "2015-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "name": "SF CA",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": 海外app加速器,
- 蚂蚁app加速器: null
], - "object": "list",
- pp加速器国际版下载: "旋风app加速器",
- "previous_href": "",
- "count": 1
Returns an existing Geo with the input ID.
id required | string ID of the Geo. |
Geo details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "geo",
- "uri": "/v1/geos/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "created_at": "2015-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "name": "SF CA",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "deleted_at": null
Deletes an existing Geo.
id required | string ID of the Geo. |
Geo was successfully deleted
Bad Request
Geo used
Main server
$ curl -X DELETE \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "geo",
- "uri": "/v1/geos/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "created_at": "2015-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "name": "SF CA",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- 旋风app加速器: "CA",
- "deleted_at": null
Updates an existing Geo resource with the input city
can only be added once.
id required | 绿叶加速器最新版下载 ID of the Geo. |
city | string Nullable 任意游加速器官方版下载_任意游加速器电脑版下载 - 全方位下载:2021-12-15 · 任意游加速器官方版是款能够解决国服,台服,欧服等游戏延时,卡机,掉线等问题的网游加速器,任意游加速器官方版完美实现了电信,移动,网通互联互通问题。双重数据加密这是业内最严密的安全技术,将确保用户高枕无忧。遍布全球的超快服务器。 |
Geo was successfully updated
Bad Request
Geo city updated
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d city=San+Francisco
{- "id": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "object": "geo",
- "uri": "/v1/geos/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "created_at": pp加速器国际版,
- "name": "SF CA",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "deleted_at": pp加速器安卓版下载
Represents a division of an Account. Programs are typically used to identify clients, cost centers, or departments. A Program may have many Geos and may have many Packages.
Returns a list of existing Programs with the input pp加速器手机官方版
name | string Returns Programs with the input |
List of Programs
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "program",
- "name": "Program A",
- "created_at": "2017-08-07T16:51:09Z",
- "deleted_at": null,
- "package_ids": [
- "a57a0cd15965a585ff7d5d35"
], - "geo_ids": [
- "cbc37748bc6a45b41af5c3f5"
], - "object": "list",
- "count": 1
Returns an existing Program with the input ID.
id required | string ID of the Program to retrieve. |
Program details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "program",
- "name": "Program A",
- "created_at": "2017-08-07T16:51:09Z",
- "deleted_at": null,
- "package_ids": [
- "a57a0cd15965a585ff7d5d35"
], - "geo_ids": [
- "cbc37748bc6a45b41af5c3f5"
视频加速软件_pp加速器官方下载_技巧应用_中关村在线:2021-1-19 · 最后给大家介绍几款视频加速软件,这些软件可以加速在线视频,下载视屏等方面,效果明显,而且接容性也非常好。PP加速器(ppva)pp加速器(PPLiveVideoAccelerator)是一款免费的视频加速软件。采用目前许多先进和流行。
package required | string Package to run for the Report. |
candidate_id 海外app加速器 | string ID of the candidate being screened. |
start_date required | pp加速器官网网页 <date> Start date for the subscription. This is the date on which the subscription will begin, and the first time the report will be run. |
interval_count | integer The number of intervals between each recurrent background check. |
interval_unit | pp加速器安卓 Values include: "day" "week" "month" "year" Interval at which the subscription will repeat. |
回国VPN - 看国内视频 听国内音乐 回国加速器 【官方网站】:回国VPN帮助海外华人解除IP地域限制;出国留学旅游使用国内IP上网;支持腾讯视频、乐视视频、搜狐视频、爱奇艺、PP视频、哔哩哔哩(B站)、优酷视频、土豆视频、芒果TV、华数TV、QQ音乐、企鹅FM、全民K歌、网易云音乐、虾米音乐、豆瓣FM、喜马拉雅、酷狗音乐、酷我音乐、咪咕音乐、NBA、世界杯 ...
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d package=driver_pro \ -d start_date=2017-02-10 \ -d interval_unit=month \ -d interval_count=1 \ -d candidate_id=e44aa283528e6fde7d542194
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "subscription",
- "uri": IP加速器免费版下载 v3.3 - 软件学堂:2021-5-18 · IP加速器是一款运行了非常之久的稳定网速优化软件,这款网络加速软件支持现在非常之多的的游戏的网速优化加速,像现在市场上的LOL、DNF、CF等等不同类型的游戏的网络加速都是完全没问题的,现在的游戏在越来越好玩、越来越精美的同时对于配置、网络的要求是越来越高,虽然游戏的模式是 ...,
- "status": "active",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "canceled_at": null,
- "package": "driver_pro",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "interval_unit": "month",
- "start_date": "2014-06-10",
- "candidate_id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194"
Retrieves an existing Subscription.
id required | string ID of the Subscription. |
Subscription details
Main server
$ curl -X GET加速器下载c07dd9a10c3985ae432a \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "subscription",
- "uri": "/v1/subscriptions/4722c07dd9a10c3985ae432a",
- "status": "active",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "canceled_at": tap加速器下载,
- "package": "driver_pro",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "interval_unit": "month",
- pp加速器免费正式版下载: "2014-06-10",
- "candidate_id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194"
Cancels an existing Subscription.
id required | string ID of the Subscription. |
Subscription was successfully canceled
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X DELETE \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "subscription",
- "uri": "/v1/subscriptions/4722c07dd9a10c3985ae432a",
- "status": "active",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- pp加速器国际版: pp加速器安卓,
- "package": "driver_pro",
- "interval_count": 1,
- "interval_unit": "month",
- "start_date": "2014-06-10",
- "candidate_id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194"
Adverse Actions are initiated by Checkr customers if something is returned on a Candidate’s report that requires further investigation. When an Adverse Action is initiated, the candidate must be informed, and given time to address the issues raised.
PP加速器0.5.0.0055官方版下载-下载吧:2021-5-14 · PP加速器(PPLive Video Accelerator)是一款免费的视频加速软件。 采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载,智能Cache等技术,为视频网站提供视频加速服务
For more information, see pp加速器 in the Checkr Help Center.
pp加速器不加速怎么办_电脑常识_三联 - 3lian.Com:2021-1-11 · pp加速器不加速怎么办 2021-01-11 clown_ 的分享 加三联MM小编微信好友:sanlian2021 1、首先下载安装好PP加速器,安装路径不要安装到系统盘上,安装完成后,运行pp加速器即可。
id required | pp加速器官网网页 ID of the Adverse Action. |
Adverse Action details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "uri": "/v1/adverse_actions/57ed51e57619e8002a6683f2",
- "created_at": "2016-09-29T17:39:49Z",
- "status": "pending",
- "report_id": "b861a56db1b1b89692dd6118",
- "post_notice_scheduled_at": pp加速器官网网页,
- "post_notice_ready_at": 海外app加速器,
- "canceled_at": null,
- "adverse_items": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "adverse_item",
- "text": "License status: Suspended"
], - "individualized_assessment_engaged": 蚂蚁app加速器
Cancels an existing Adverse Action.
id required | string ID of the Adverse Action. |
任意游加速器官方版下载_任意游加速器电脑版下载 - 全方位下载:2021-12-15 · 任意游加速器官方版是款能够解决国服,台服,欧服等游戏延时,卡机,掉线等问题的网游加速器,任意游加速器官方版完美实现了电信,移动,网通互联互通问题。双重数据加密这是业内最严密的安全技术,将确保用户高枕无忧。遍布全球的超快服务器。
Bad Request
$ curl -X DELETE \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: "adverse_action",
- "uri": "/v1/adverse_actions/57ed51e57619e8002a6683f2",
- "created_at": pp加速器免费正式版下载,
- "status": "pending",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: "b861a56db1b1b89692dd6118",
- "post_notice_scheduled_at": "2016-10-07T12:34:00Z",
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: "2016-10-06T17:39:48Z",
- "canceled_at": null,
- "adverse_items": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "adverse_item",
- "text": "License status: Suspended"
], - "individualized_assessment_engaged": false
Creates a new Adverse Action.
Note: Report must be in a 手机app加速器
status and cannot have any existing Adverse Actions that have not been canceled.
report_id required | pp加速器 The ID of the Report for which the Adverse Action will be created. |
post_notice_scheduled_at | string <date-time> Time at which the Post-Adverse Action notification will be sent. Default is 7 days after creation. |
adverse_item_ids required | 手机pp加速器strings IDs of Adverse Items selected for the Adverse Action. |
Adverse Action was successfully created
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d post_notice_scheduled_at=2016-10-07T12:34:00Z \ -d 'adverse_item_ids[]=57ed4ce3057e0b002adc6d90&adverse_item_ids[]=57ed4ce3057e0b002adc6d91'
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "adverse_action",
- "uri": "/v1/adverse_actions/57ed51e57619e8002a6683f2",
- "created_at": "2016-09-29T17:39:49Z",
- "status": "pending",
- 海外app加速器: pp加速器安卓,
- "post_notice_scheduled_at": "2016-10-07T12:34:00Z",
- "post_notice_ready_at": "2016-10-06T17:39:48Z",
- "canceled_at": null,
- "adverse_items": [
- {
- "id": 海外app加速器,
- "object": "adverse_item",
- "text": 手机app加速器
], - "individualized_assessment_engaged": pp加速器下载
Adverse Items are items selected from a returned report that may be used to initiate Adverse Action for a Candidate.
Returns a list of existing Adverse Items with the input report_id
Note: Report must be in a consider
status and cannot have any existing Adverse Actions that have not been canceled.
迅游网游加速器破解版下载-迅游网游加速器2021电脑版下载 ...:2021-6-11 · 迅游加速器是迅游网络科技公司开发的一款专门针对网络游戏,解决游戏中延时、顿卡以及无法顺利进入游戏等现象的加速软件。迅游加速器目前支持加速的有:网络游戏、对战平台,是广大网游玩 …
report_id required | string The ID of the associated Report. |
List of Adverse Items
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "data": [
- {
- 手机pp加速器: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "adverse_item",
- "text": "License status: Suspended"
], - 蚂蚁app加速器: "list",
- 蚂蚁app加速器: 1
Represents a link by which candidates may upload a document. If a candidate must upload
documents to continue processing their report, a set of Verifications will be available.
Checkr offers two verification types: id
and education
. ID Verifications are used for
identity and license purposes, such as ID card or driver’s license. Education Verifications
are used for documents related to Education Verification.
Returns a list of existing Verifications for the input report_id
report_id required | string Returns the list of verifications for the input |
List of Report Verifications
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- pp加速器安卓: [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "verification",
- "uri": "/v1/verifications/db313e73383710d4fa2f18fd",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": null,
- "processed_at": null,
- "verification_type": "id",
- "verification_url": "",
- "report_id": "4722c07dd9a10c3985ae432a"
], - "object": "list",
- "count": 2
Returns an existing Verification with the input ID
verification_id required | string |
Verification details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "verification",
- "uri": pp加速器电脑版下载|pp加速器免费版V0.6.5 下载_当游网:2021-5-10 · pp加速器是一款十分不错的视频加速器,它可以为你通过网络加速,提升网页视频加速效果,从而提升观影体验,所以喜欢的话,就来下载试试吧! 软件介绍 pp加速器是pptv推出的一款免费视频加速器。pp加速器能够在用户观看视频时提供网络加速,提前为用户加载好视频内容,告别看一秒卡十秒的 …,
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": null,
- "processed_at": null,
- "verification_type": "id",
- "verification_url": "",
- pp加速器手机官方版: "4722c07dd9a10c3985ae432a"
Represents a Document, either related to a Report (such as a PDF Report) or related to a Candidate (such as a Driver License image, or a consent form). Report Document IDs can be retrieved from the Retrieve an existing Report endpoint. Candidate Document IDs can be retrieved using the List a Candidate's Documents endpoint.
Use GET /v1/reports/{id}?include=documents
to return a Report resource that includes an array of document
Report Documents are of the following types: pp加速器免费正式版下载
, pdf_credit_report
, pdf_individualized_assessment
, 旋风app加速器
, pdf_self_disclosure
, pp加速器安卓
, and
Returns an array of candidate-provided Documents for the input candidate_id
candidate_id required | string ID of the Candidate for whom documents will be retrieved. |
types | Array of strings Items Values include: "consent" "credit_report_consent_form" "driver_license" "driver_license_back" "driver_license_history" 蚂蚁app加速器 "employment_proof" "international_consent_form" "passport" tap加速器下载 "selfie" "ssn_card" "state_id_card" "state_id_card_back" The type of candidate-provided document to return. If |
List of Documents
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": 粉色app加速器,
- "type": "driver_license",
- "created_at": "2015-02-11T20:01:50Z",
- "download_uri": "",
- pp加速器官网网页: pp加速器官网网页,
- "filename": "1423684910_candidate_driver_license.jpg",
- "content_type": "image/jpeg"
], - "object": "list",
- "count": 1
Uploads a new Candidate Document.
candidate_id required | string Upload a document for the input |
type required | string Values include: "consent" "driver_license" "previous_driver_license" "state_id_card" "passport" "ssn_card" "selfie" pp加速器下载 "employment_proof" |
file required | string <binary> Path to the document on your local file system. Valid MIME types: |
Document was successfully uploaded
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ --form type=driver_license \ --form file=@candidate_driver_license.jpg
{- "id": pp加速器国际版下载,
- "object": "document",
- "type": "driver_license",
- "created_at": "2015-02-11T20:01:50Z",
- "download_uri": "",
- "filesize": pp加速器安卓版下载,
- "filename": "1423684910_candidate_driver_license.jpg",
- "content_type": "image/jpeg"
Returns an existing Document with the input ID.
Report Document IDs can be retrieved from the Retrieve an existing Report endpoint. Candidate Document IDs can be retrieved using the List a Candidate's Documents endpoint.
id required | string ID of the Document to retrieve. |
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "document",
- "type": "driver_license",
- "created_at": "2015-02-11T20:01:50Z",
- "download_uri": "",
- "filesize": 8576,
- "filename": "1423684910_candidate_driver_license.jpg",
- "content_type": "image/jpeg"
The School resource includes all relevant educational information for the specified Candidate. School resources are tied to the specified candidate, and do not transfer to other alumna within the system.
Creates a new School resource.
Validation for start_date
and end_date
is performed to ensure logical dates are provided. end_date
must be after pp加速器免费正式版下载
, and both dates must be after 1900-01-01.
PP加速器 V0.6.5.0007 正式版下载_PP加速器 V0.6.5.0007 ...:2021-11-15 · PP加速器是一款专为PPTV网络电视提供的网络视频加速软件,采用先进的互联网技术,支持点对点传输、多任务下载,WEB感知下载等功能。不单可以有效的为视频网站运营商减轻服务器压力、节省消耗带宽、减低实际运营成本,更能让用户淋漓尽致 ...
candidate_id required | string Creates a School for the input |
candidate_id | string non-empty [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* Candidate linked to this School resource. |
name pp加速器手机官方版 | string non-empty [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* Name of the School. |
degree required | string Degree awarded to the Candidate. |
year_awarded | integer non-empty Year in which the degree was awarded. |
major required | string [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* Candidate’s major. |
phone | string Nullable School's phone number. |
minor | string Candidate’s minor. |
start_date | string手机pp加速器 Candidate’s start date with the School. |
end_date | string <date> Candidate’s end date with the School. |
current | boolean Default: false Defines whether the Candidate is currently enrolled. |
school_url | string School’s website. |
address | object (Address) |
School was successfully created
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d name=College\ University \ -d address\[street\]=1+Circle+Avenue \ -d address\[city\]=San+Francisco \ -d address\[zipcode\]=94105 \ -d address\[state\]=CA \ -d address\[country\]=US \ -d degree=BS \ -d year_awarded=pp加速器国际版 \ -d major=Computer+Science \ -d phone=111-111-1111 \ -d minor=Background+Checks \ -d start_date=2012-09-25 \ -d end_date=2017-05-29 \ -d current=false \ -d
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "school",
- pp加速器国际版下载: "/v1/schools/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "candidate_id": "83ebeagdec0948690863766f792ead24d61fe3f9",
- "name": "College University",
- "degree": "BA",
- "year_awarded": 2017,
- "major": "Russian Literature",
- "phone": "415-111-1111",
- pp加速器国际版: "Background Checks",
- "start_date": "2012-09-22",
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: "2017-05-10",
- "current": false,
- pp加速器手机官方版: "",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": pp加速器
Returns a list of existing Schools for the input candidate_id
candidate_id required | string Returns the list of schools for the input |
List of Schools
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- 旋风app加速器: [
- {
- pp加速器免费正式版下载: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "school",
- "uri": "/v1/schools/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "candidate_id": "83ebeagdec0948690863766f792ead24d61fe3f9",
- "name": "College University",
- "degree": "BA",
- "year_awarded": 2017,
- "major": 海外app加速器,
- "phone": "415-111-1111",
- "minor": 蚂蚁app加速器,
- "start_date": "2012-09-22",
- 手机app加速器: "2017-05-10",
- "current": false,
- "school_url": "",
- "address": {
- "street": pp加速器官网网页,
- "unit": 2000,
- pp加速器安卓版下载: "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- pp加速器安卓: "US"
], - "object": "list",
- "next_href": ""
Deletes an existing School with the input school_id
id required | 绿叶加速器最新版下载 The School's ID. |
candidate_id required | string The Candidate's ID. |
School was successfully deleted
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X DELETE \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "school",
- "uri": "/v1/schools/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "candidate_id": "83ebeagdec0948690863766f792ead24d61fe3f9",
- "name": "College University",
- "degree": "BA",
- "year_awarded": 2017,
- "major": "Russian Literature",
- "phone": "415-111-1111",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: pp加速器官网网页,
- "start_date": "2012-09-22",
- "end_date": "2017-05-10",
- "current": false,
- pp加速器免费正式版下载: "",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": pp加速器国际版下载
Returns an existing School with the input school_id
id required | string The School's ID. |
candidate_id required | string The Candidate's ID. |
School details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": 海外app加速器,
- "uri": pp加速器_Game234游戏网pp加速器专题报道:2021-5-14 · PP电子游戏终于定了超P 画质体验剧情 pptv观影券获得方法图文详解_pptv兑换码怎么兑换会员 ppt2021如何插入word文档 相关专题 1. ppt动漫效果制作教程 2. pp加速器 3. PPT演示文稿怎么导入 …,
- "candidate_id": "83ebeagdec0948690863766f792ead24d61fe3f9",
- "name": "College University",
- "degree": "BA",
- pp加速器国际版: pp加速器手机版,
- "major": "Russian Literature",
- "phone": "415-111-1111",
- "minor": "Background Checks",
- 手机pp加速器: "2012-09-22",
- pp加速器手机版: "2017-05-10",
- "current": false,
- pp加速器手机官方版: "",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": 旋风app加速器
Creates a new Employer resource.
If the country is not US, the following parameters will be required in addition to those marked as required in the table below:
Validation for start_date
and end_date
is performed to ensure logical dates are provided. end_date
must be after start_date
, and both dates must be after 1900-01-01.
candidate_id required | string Create an employer for the input |
candidate_id | string non-empty pp加速器国际版 ID of the Candidate being screened. |
name required | string non-empty [a-zA-Z0-9 -'.,]* Candidate’s employer’s name. |
position required | string Candidate’s position or title. |
salary | integer Candidate’s gross salary in dollars annually. |
contract_type required | string 旋风app加速器 pp加速器官网网页 "part_time" "contract" "internship" Candidate’s contract type. |
do_not_contact | boolean Default: false If |
start_date required | string <date> Candidate’s start date with the employer. |
end_date | string <date> Candidate’s end date with the employer. |
employer_url | string pp加速器安卓 |
address required | object (Address) |
manager | object |
PP加速器(PPTV加速器pp加速器官方下载)V0.6.5.0004官方 ...:2021-4-16 · PP加速器(PPTV加速器下载)官方正式版 是一款免费的视频加速软件。从 pp加速器官方下载后,采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术,为视频网站提供视频加速服务,不单可以有效的为视频网站运营商减轻服务器压力、 …
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X POST \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d name=Checkr \ -d position=Engineer \ -d salary=10000 \ -d address\[street\]=123+Main+St. \ -d address\[city\]=San+Francisco \ -d address\[state\]=CA \ -d address\[zipcode\]=94108 \ -d address\[country\]=US \ -d contract_type=full_time \ -d start_date=2016-01-22 \ -d end_date=2017-01-22 \ -d manager\[name\]=Joe \ -d manager\[title\]=Manager \ -d
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- pp加速器手机版: "employer",
- "uri": "/v1/candidates/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194/employers/ca27df84be5b50dfa7ee1cda",
- "candidate_id": "xxx",
- "name": "Checkr",
- "position": "Software Engineer",
- "salary": 10000,
- "contract_type": "full_time",
- 手机pp加速器: 旋风app加速器,
- "start_date": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "end_date": 海外app加速器,
- "employer_url": "",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": "US"
}, - "manager": {
- pp加速器官网网页: "Joe Smith",
- "title": "Engineering Manager",
- "email": "",
- pp加速器手机官方版: "212-555-1234"
Returns a list of existing Employers for the input candidate_id
candidate_id required | string Returns the list of employers for the input |
List of Employers
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "data": [
- {
- 手机pp加速器: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "employer",
- "uri": "/v1/candidates/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194/employers/ca27df84be5b50dfa7ee1cda",
- "candidate_id": pp加速器安卓,
- pp加速器手机官方版: pp加速器安卓版下载,
- pp加速器: "Software Engineer",
- "salary": 10000,
- "contract_type": "full_time",
- "do_not_contact": false,
- "start_date": "2016-06-01",
- "end_date": "2017-05-01",
- "employer_url": pp加速器安卓,
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": "US"
}, - "manager": {
- 旋风app加速器: "Joe Smith",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: 蚂蚁app加速器,
- "email": "",
- "phone": pp加速器安卓
], - "object": "list",
- "count": 2
Deletes an existing Employer with the input id
employer_id required | string pp加速器国际版 |
candidate_id required | string The Candidate's ID. |
Employer was successfully deleted
Bad Request
Main server
$ curl -X DELETE \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "employer",
- "uri": PP加速器怎么用的啊?_百度知道:2021-12-27 · PP加速器就是一个视频加速器而已.他支持好多网站的视频加速,其实这个东西有跟没有都差不多 已赞过 已踩过 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 匿名用户 2021-12-27 展开全部 官方的PPlive安装程序是.exe格式的,官方的网页插件也是.exe格式的,并且 ...,
- 手机app加速器: "xxx",
- "name": pp加速器手机版,
- "position": "Software Engineer",
- "salary": 10000,
- "contract_type": "full_time",
- "do_not_contact": false,
- "start_date": "2016-06-01",
- "end_date": "2017-05-01",
- "employer_url": "",
- "address": {
- pp加速器安卓: pp加速器国际版下载,
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- 手机pp加速器: "90401",
- "country": "US"
}, - "manager": {
- "name": "Joe Smith",
- pp加速器手机官方版: "Engineering Manager",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "212-555-1234"
Returns an existing Employer with the input candidate_id
or employer_id
employer_id required | string The Employer's ID. |
candidate_id required | string pp加速器官网网页 |
Employer details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "employer",
- "uri": "/v1/candidates/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194/employers/ca27df84be5b50dfa7ee1cda",
- "candidate_id": "xxx",
- "name": "Checkr",
- pp加速器手机版: "Software Engineer",
- "salary": 10000,
- "contract_type": pp加速器国际版,
- "do_not_contact": false,
- "start_date": pp加速器手机版,
- "end_date": "2017-05-01",
- "employer_url": "",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- pp加速器安卓: "US"
}, - "manager": {
- "name": "Joe Smith",
- "title": "Engineering Manager",
- 旋风app加速器: pp加速器安卓,
- "phone": "212-555-1234"
Report Tags are defined by customers, and may be used to search Reports.
This request is used to add a tag to a Report.
Note: The tag
value passed to POST /v1/reports/{id}/tags
will match the 海外app加速器
field in the response.
id required | string The Report's ID. |
tag required | string |
Report tag was successfully created
Main server
curl -X POST手机pp加速器c07dd9a10c3985ae432a/tags \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d tag=In+Progress
{- "count": 3,
- "object": "list",
- pp加速器安卓: [
- {
- "name": "EIN-234234234"
}, - {
- pp加速器官网网页: "api-generated"
}, - {
- "name": pp加速器安卓
This request is used to define all tags for a Report.
id required | string The Report's ID. |
tags pp加速器官网网页 | Array of strings |
Report tags were successfully updated
Bad Request
Main server
curl -X PUT \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d tags[]=West+Coast \ -d tags[]=To+Review
{- "count": 2,
- "object": "list",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "West Coast"
}, - {
- "name": pp加速器安卓
Retrieves tags for the input Report.
id required | pp加速器官网网页 tap加速器下载 |
List of report tags.
Main server
curl -X GET加速器下载c07dd9a10c3985ae432a/tags \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "count": 2,
- "object": "list",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "EIN-234234234"
}, - {
- "name": pp加速器官网网页
This request is used to delete a tag from a Report.
id required | string The Report's ID. |
tag pp加速器手机官方版 | string |
Report tags were successfully deleted
Bad Request
Main server
curl -X DELETE \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9: \ -d tag=West+Coast
{- pp加速器官网网页: 1,
- pp加速器安卓: "list",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "To Review"
Represents candidate reported addresses on a Report.
This request is used to retrieve addresses for a given Report.
report_id pp加速器下载 | 旋风app加速器 Returns the list of Report addresses for the input |
List of Report addresses
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "data": [
- {
- 手机pp加速器: "UCSF",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "start_date": "2018-07-22T17:41:20Z",
- "end_date": "2018-01-24T17:41:20Z"
], - "object": "list",
- "count": 1
Report ETAs predict when County Criminal Searches will complete for each background check report. This ETA provides a date for the estimated completion of a specific report, helping both you and candidates plan ahead.
While the predictions are highly accurate, they are not a guarantee. Estimates provided by Report ETA are correct within one business day for more than 9 out of 10 requested reports. Checkr still relies on county-level search variability, which may contribute to unpredictable timelines. For more information, please see County Criminal Record Search in the Checkr Help Center.
Report ETA information will be available thirty minutes after report creation. Report ETA will only be provided if at least one county criminal records check is run for the report.
Returns an existing Report ETA for the input Report ID.
id required | string ID of the Report for which the ETA was generated. |
Bad Request
Main server
curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "estimate_generated_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "estimated_completion_time": "2019-07-31T00:00:00Z"
Candidate Stories allows candidates with records the opportunity to share additional context about themselves and their background checks. Once submitted, these stories will be available to customers in the candidate’s report in the Checkr Dashboard.
For more information, please see pp加速器官方最新版下载 - 量产资源网:2021-3-21 · pp加速器支持用户在线观看PPTV网站视频,能在您观看短视频网站的时候进行加速。帮您解决观看短视频时的“卡”“顿”的现象。目前支持:Youtube、土豆、优酷、56、酷6、新浪播客等短视频网站。视频加速,速度提升300%,完全免 in the Checkr Help Center.
Returns the existing Candidate Story corresponding to the input ID.
id required | string ID of the Candidate Story. |
Candidate Story details
{- "id": 海外app加速器,
- "object": "candidate_story",
- "uri": "/v1/candidate_stories/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "report_id": "af3393b7d751206c7c67b6e5",
- "record": {
- "id": "4e2a551f79e0095b35d4d3ca",
- "case_number": pp加速器下载,
- "charge": "LIGHT OFFENSE",
- "offense_date": "2020-01-20",
- "location": "San Mateo, CA"
}, - "content": "Since my case, I have received the following certifications (see attachments)",
- "created_at": "2020-04-17T07:48:34Z",
- "documents": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": 手机pp加速器,
- "type": "candidate_story_document",
- pp加速器国际版: "2020-04-17T07:48:01Z",
- pp加速器国际版: "",
- "filesize": 8576,
- "filename": "proof_of_rehabilitation.pdf",
- "content_type": "image/pdf"
Deletes the existing Candidate Story corresponding to the input ID.
id required | string ID of the Candidate Story. |
PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ...
Bad Request
Main server
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "candidate_story",
- "uri": "/v1/candidate_stories/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: pp加速器手机版,
- "record": {
- "id": "4e2a551f79e0095b35d4d3ca",
- "case_number": "NMND78D",
- "charge": "LIGHT OFFENSE",
- "offense_date": "2020-01-20",
- pp加速器手机官方版: "San Mateo, CA"
}, - "content": "Since my case, I have received the following certifications (see attachments)",
- "created_at": "2020-04-17T07:48:34Z",
- "documents": [
- {
- pp加速器国际版: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "document",
- "type": "candidate_story_document",
- "created_at": "2020-04-17T07:48:01Z",
- "download_uri": "",
- "filesize": 8576,
- "filename": "proof_of_rehabilitation.pdf",
- "content_type": "image/pdf"
Create a new Candidate Story for the input report_id
report_id required | string Create an candidate story for the input |
content required | pp加速器官网网页 Additional information provided by Candidate. |
record_id | string ID of the Record existing on a Screening to which the Candidate Story is linked. When no record ID is provided, the Candidate Story is considered General Information. |
documents required | Array of objects An array of documents to attach to the Candidate Story. Can be empty. |
Candidate Story was successfully created
{- "content": "Since my case, I have received the following certifications (see attachments)",
- "record_id": 手机app加速器,
- "documents": [
- {
- pp加速器国际版: "evidence_of_rehab.pdf",
- pp加速器手机官方版: "",
- "type": "application/pdf"
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "candidate_story",
- "uri": "/v1/candidate_stories/e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "report_id": "af3393b7d751206c7c67b6e5",
- "record": {
- "id": "4e2a551f79e0095b35d4d3ca",
- "case_number": "NMND78D",
- "charge": "LIGHT OFFENSE",
- "offense_date": "2020-01-20",
- "location": "San Mateo, CA"
}, - "content": "Since my case, I have received the following certifications (see attachments)",
- "created_at": "2020-04-17T07:48:34Z",
- 蚂蚁app加速器: [
- {
- 手机app加速器: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": 粉色app加速器,
- pp加速器国际版: "candidate_story_document",
- "created_at": "2020-04-17T07:48:01Z",
- "download_uri": "",
- "filesize": 8576,
- "filename": "proof_of_rehabilitation.pdf",
- 手机pp加速器: 蚂蚁app加速器
The SSN resource allows you to retrieve a candidate's encrypted SSN.
Note: Please work with your Checkr Customer Success Manager to enable this feature for your account, and set up the required encryption keys for the call.
Returns an encrypted SSN for the input candidate_id
candidate_id required | string The candidate's ID. |
Candidate's encrypted SSN
Encryption key required
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "encrypted_ssn": "hyYMhDje9dVUEPKU9myy7OFJ7R27pj0pmlegFlka99I="
SSN Trace is typically the first screening run, and is used to verify that the input SSN exists, determine where and when it was issued, and to compile a list of all known aliases associated with the SSN. This Trace is also used to generate a list of all known addresses recorded by credit agencies for the SSN for the last 7 years.
An SSN Trace may be used to determine which additional jurisdictions should be searched for the candidate, based on the list of known addresses returned.
If the platform detects an issue with the SSN Trace run (data mismatch, absence of data, or inclusion of the SSN on the death master file), Checkr may issue an exception and ask the candidate to either re-enter their SSN or upload other supporting documentation.
免费: star 加速器 下载-windows: star 加速器:2021-6-9 · 免费: star 加速器 下载软件在 UpdateStar: 星球大战战场 ii 是一个伟大的续集, 一个精彩的游戏。许多游戏平衡问题已经得到纠正, 新功能带来了有趣的挑战。首先是基本前提。这个游戏都是关于在《星球大战》宇宙中几乎任何位置上进行大规模战斗的。你可以在塔托内的街道上跑来跑去, 从砂岩建筑跳 ...
For more information, please see SSN Trace in the Checkr Help Center.
网易uu加速器官方下载_网易uu加速器永久免费版下载-PC下载网:2021-10-14 · 网易uu加速器也有人叫网易悠悠加速器,不过这不是官方叫法,网易uu加速器体积小巧,占用内存少,同时用户直接可以使用手机或者微信登录,省去了繁琐的注册过程,操作简单便捷,为用户带来良好的游戏加速体验。
id required | string ID of the SSN Trace to retrieve. |
SSN Trace details
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "ssn_trace",
- "uri": "/v1/ssn_traces/539fd88c101897f7cd000001",
- "status": "clear",
- "created_at": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- 手机app加速器: 海外app加速器,
- "turnaround_time": 90,
- "ssn": "XXX-XX-4645",
- pp加速器官网网页: false,
- "dob_mismatch": false,
- "name_mismatch": false,
- "data_mismatch": pp加速器免费正式版下载,
- "thin_file": false,
- "invalid_issuance_year": false,
- "death_index": false,
- 手机pp加速器: false,
- "issued_year": 1993,
- "issued_state": "CA",
- pp加速器国际版: [
- {
- "street": "123 S Folsom St",
- "unit": "Apt 54B",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": "US",
- "from_date": "2010-05-01",
- "to_date": "2010-06-01"
], - "aliases": [
- {
- "first_name": "Jack",
- "middle_name": "B",
- "last_name": "Fieldman"
PP加速器下载|PP加速器下载 - pk游戏网:2021-6-14 · PP加速器电脑版是款适用于网络上视频所打造的加速工具。PP加速器正式版采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术。PP加速器为视频网站提供视频加速服务,可以有效的 ...
A nationwide search of all 50 states' and the District of Columbia’s sex offender registries for all levels of registered sex offenders. Search includes type(s) of offense and identifiers, such as Date of Birth (DOB).
For more information, please see Sex Offender Registry Search in the Checkr Help Center.
Returns an existing Sex Offender Registry Search with the input ID.
id required | string ID of the Sex Offender Search to retrieve. |
Sex Offender Registry Search details
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "sex_offender_search",
- "uri": "/v1/sex_offender_searches/539fd88c101897f7cd000008",
- 蚂蚁app加速器: "consider",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "turnaround_time": 90,
- "records": [
- {
- "registry": "California",
- "full_name": "John Alfred Smith",
- "age": 44,
- "dob": "1975-02-01",
- 手机app加速器: "2011-02-12",
- "registration_end": "2012-02-12",
- "state": "CA"
The Global Watchlist Search searches known domestic and international terrorist watchlists as well as the records of the Office of Inspector General (OIG), Excluded Parties List (EPL) and additional domestic and international agency lists.
For more information, please see pp加速器官网网页 in the Checkr Help Center.
Returns an existing Global Watchlist Search with the input ID.
id required | string ID of the Global Watchlist Search to retrieve. |
Global Watchlist Search details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- pp加速器安卓: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "global_watchlist_search",
- "uri": "/v1/global_watchlist_searches/539fd88c101897f7cd000008",
- pp加速器免费正式版下载: "consider",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "turnaround_time": 90,
- pp加速器安卓: [
- {
- pp加速器官网网页: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "case_number": "24323-DA",
- "file_date": null,
- "arresting_agency": "DEA Boston Division",
- "court_jurisdiction": null,
- "court_of_record": null,
- "full_name": 旋风app加速器,
- tap加速器下载: "1970-01-22",
- "yob": 1970,
- 手机pp加速器: "SUFFOLK",
- "state": "MA",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": pp加速器手机版,
- pp加速器安卓: "US"
}, - "charges": [
- {
- pp加速器官网网页: "RICO murder",
- "charge_type": null,
- "charge_id": null,
- 手机pp加速器: "Felony",
- "deposition": null,
- "defendant": null,
- "plaintiff": null,
- "sentence": "Active Punishment Minimum: 10Y",
- "disposition": "Guilty",
- tap加速器下载: null,
- pp加速器官网网页: "2011-04-22",
- pp加速器国际版: 蚂蚁app加速器,
- "arrest_date": null,
- "charge_date": null,
- "sentence_date": null,
- "disposition_date": "2011-06-02",
- "conviction_date": "2011-06-02",
- 手机pp加速器: "2011-06-02",
- "next_court_date": "2011-06-02",
- "court": 手机app加速器,
- "plea": null,
- "assessment": null,
- "prison_time": "4 Year(s)",
- "jail_time": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "probation_time": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "restitution": "220.00"
Checkr conducts a National Criminal Database Search as a routine part of all criminal background checks. The search queries 3,200 counties and over 900 million records across the United States, and provides a quick means to evaluate which courts or jurisdictions should be searched more thoroughly for any given candidate.
The National Criminal Database Search is used only as a "pointer search" to determine which courts or jurisdictions to search. Records returned from this database do not appear on the final report.
For more information, please see National Criminal Database Search in the Checkr Help Center.
Returns an existing National Criminal Search with the input ID.
id required | string ID of the National Criminal Search to retrieve. |
National Criminal Search details
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": pp加速器,
- "uri": "/v1/national_criminal_searches/539fd88c101897f7cd000006",
- "status": "clear",
- "created_at": pp加速器官网网页,
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "turnaround_time": 90,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "case_number": "24323-DA",
- "file_date": null,
- "arresting_agency": null,
- pp加速器官网网页: null,
- "court_of_record": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "full_name": "John Alfred Smith",
- "dob": "1970-01-22",
- "yob": 1970,
- "county": 手机pp加速器,
- pp加速器安卓版下载: "MA",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- pp加速器国际版: "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": "US"
}, - "charges": [
- {
- "charge": "Fraud",
- "charge_type": null,
- pp加速器国际版下载: 手机app加速器,
- "classification": "Felony",
- 粉色app加速器: null,
- "defendant": null,
- "plaintiff": null,
- pp加速器: "Active Punishment Minimum: 10Y",
- "disposition": "Guilty",
- "probation_status": tap加速器下载,
- 手机app加速器: "2011-04-22",
- "deposition_date": "2014-05-27",
- "arrest_date": tap加速器下载,
- "charge_date": null,
- "sentence_date": null,
- "disposition_date": "2011-06-02",
- "conviction_date": "2011-06-02",
- "release_date": "2011-06-02",
- "next_court_date": "2011-06-02",
- "court": "Circuit & District Court",
- "plea": null,
- 手机app加速器: null,
- pp加速器手机官方版: "4 Year(s)",
- "jail_time": "15 Day(s)",
- 旋风app加速器: null,
- "restitution": "220.00"
The Federal Criminal Database Search queries the US Federal Government’s PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) criminal record system, which is an online portal used to obtain case information from the 94 Federal District Court jurisdictions. This search returns results for federal crimes, which are prosecuted under federal criminal law in federal courts. (National, State, and County Criminal Searches do not return federal records.)
For more information, please see Federal Criminal Search in the Checkr Help Center.
Returns an existing Federal Criminal Search with the input ID.
id required | string ID of the Federal Criminal Search to retrieve. |
Federal Criminal Search details
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- pp加速器国际版: "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "federal_criminal_search",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: "/v1/federal_criminal_searches/539fd88c101897f7cd000006",
- "status": "clear",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "turnaround_time": 90,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- pp加速器手机版: "24323-DA",
- "file_date": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "arresting_agency": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "court_jurisdiction": null,
- "court_of_record": null,
- "full_name": "John Alfred Smith",
- 手机pp加速器: tap加速器下载,
- "yob": 1970,
- "county": "SUFFOLK",
- 手机app加速器: "MA",
- "address": {
- "street": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "unit": 蚂蚁app加速器,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: "90401",
- "country": "US"
}, - "charges": [
- {
- "charge": "Fraud",
- 粉色app加速器: null,
- pp加速器安卓: null,
- "classification": "Felony",
- "deposition": null,
- "defendant": null,
- "plaintiff": null,
- "sentence": "Active Punishment Minimum: 10Y",
- "disposition": "Guilty",
- "probation_status": null,
- "offense_date": "2011-04-22",
- "deposition_date": "2014-05-27",
- 粉色app加速器: null,
- "charge_date": null,
- "sentence_date": null,
- "disposition_date": "2011-06-02",
- "conviction_date": "2011-06-02",
- "release_date": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "next_court_date": "2011-06-02",
- "court": 旋风app加速器,
- pp加速器官网网页: null,
- "assessment": null,
- "prison_time": "4 Year(s)",
- "jail_time": pp加速器官网网页,
- "probation_time": null,
- "restitution": "220.00"
County Criminal records make up the majority of criminal records, and are therefore one of the most complete sources for both felony and misdemeanor records. These records are not reported to the federal database, and will therefore not be surfaced in a Federal Criminal Database Search.
The County Criminal Search resource defines the results from a criminal record search in a specific county.
For more information, please see pp加速器手机版 in the Checkr Help Center.
Returns an existing County Criminal Search with the input ID.
id pp加速器下载 | string ID of the County Criminal Search to retrieve. |
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "county_criminal_search",
- "uri": "/v1/county_criminal_searches/539fdcf335644a0ef4000001",
- "status": "consider",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "turnaround_time": 100800,
- "estimated_completion_time": "2019-03-13T16:31:07Z",
- "estimated_completion_date": "2019-03-13",
- pp加速器手机官方版: 手机pp加速器,
- 旋风app加速器: "CA",
- pp加速器安卓: [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "case_number": "24323-DA",
- "file_date": null,
- pp加速器国际版: pp加速器手机版,
- "court_jurisdiction": null,
- "court_of_record": null,
- 蚂蚁app加速器: "John Alfred Smith",
- "dob": "1970-01-22",
- "yob": 1970,
- "county": 海外app加速器,
- "state": "MA",
- "address": {
- pp加速器下载: "123 Main St.",
- pp加速器安卓版下载: 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": "US"
}, - "charges": [
- {
- 海外app加速器: "Sell Cocaine",
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: null,
- "charge_id": null,
- "classification": "Felony",
- "deposition": null,
- "defendant": 蚂蚁app加速器,
- "plaintiff": null,
- "sentence": "Active Punishment Minimum: 10Y",
- "disposition": "Guilty",
- "probation_status": null,
- 手机app加速器: "2011-04-22",
- "deposition_date": "2014-05-27",
- "arrest_date": pp加速器官网网页,
- "charge_date": null,
- pp加速器官网网页: "2011-06-02",
- "disposition_date": "2011-06-02",
- "conviction_date": "2011-06-02",
- "release_date": "2011-06-02",
- "next_court_date": "2011-06-02",
- "court": "Circuit & District Court",
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: null,
- "assessment": null,
- "prison_time": "4 Year(s)",
- "jail_time": "15 Day(s)",
- "probation_time": null,
- "restitution": pp加速器国际版
], - "filtered_by_positive_adjudication_records": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "case_number": "24323-DA",
- pp加速器手机版: 粉色app加速器,
- "arresting_agency": "DEA Boston Division",
- pp加速器官网网页: null,
- "court_of_record": null,
- "full_name": pp加速器官网网页,
- "dob": pp加速器手机版,
- "yob": pp加速器安卓版下载,
- "county": "SUFFOLK",
- "state": "MA",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- 粉色app加速器: "90401",
- "country": "US"
}, - "filtered_by_positive_adjudication_charges": [
- {
- "charge": "Fraud",
- "charge_type": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "charge_id": null,
- "classification": 手机app加速器,
- "deposition": null,
- "defendant": null,
- "plaintiff": null,
- "sentence": "Active Punishment Minimum: 10Y",
- "disposition": "Guilty",
- pp加速器手机官方版: null,
- pp加速器手机版: "2011-04-22",
- "deposition_date": "2014-05-27",
- "arrest_date": null,
- tap加速器下载: 手机app加速器,
- "sentence_date": null,
- pp加速器安卓: "2011-06-02",
- "conviction_date": "2011-06-02",
- "release_date": 旋风app加速器,
- "next_court_date": "2011-06-02",
- "court": "Circuit & District Court",
- "plea": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "assessment": null,
- "prison_time": "4 Year(s)",
- "jail_time": "15 Day(s)",
- "probation_time": null,
- "restitution": "220.00"
The State Criminal Search returns criminal records from a selected state’s database, the content of which varies by state. Some states include records reported from all counties; some include records only from a few. This search should be used in conjunction with a County Criminal Search, and not as a replacement for the more complete records returned from the County Search.
For more information, please see State Criminal Search in the Checkr Help Center.
网易uu加速器官方下载_网易uu加速器永久免费版下载-PC下载网:2021-10-14 · 网易uu加速器也有人叫网易悠悠加速器,不过这不是官方叫法,网易uu加速器体积小巧,占用内存少,同时用户直接可以使用手机或者微信登录,省去了繁琐的注册过程,操作简单便捷,为用户带来良好的游戏加速体验。
id required | string ID of the State Criminal Search to retrieve. |
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "state_criminal_search",
- "uri": "/v1/state_criminal_searches/539fdcf335644a0ef4000001",
- "status": "consider",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "turnaround_time": 100800,
- "estimated_completion_time": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- 旋风app加速器: "CA",
- pp加速器安卓: [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "case_number": 手机app加速器,
- "file_date": "2010-02-18",
- "arresting_agency": "San Francisco Police Department",
- "court_jurisdiction": "San Francisco",
- "court_of_record": null,
- "full_name": "John Alfred Smith",
- "dob": "1970-01-22",
- "yob": 1970,
- "county": "SUFFOLK",
- "state": "MA",
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 旋风app加速器,
- "city": 海外app加速器,
- "state": pp加速器安卓,
- "zipcode": 手机pp加速器,
- "country": "US"
}, - "charges": [
- {
- "charge": "Sell Cocaine",
- "charge_type": null,
- "charge_id": null,
- "classification": pp加速器国际版,
- "deposition": null,
- "defendant": "John Alfred Smith",
- 海外app加速器: null,
- "sentence": "Active Punishment Minimum: 10Y",
- "disposition": "Guilty",
- "probation_status": null,
- "offense_date": "2011-04-22",
- "deposition_date": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "arrest_date": "2011-04-22",
- "charge_date": null,
- 手机pp加速器: "2011-06-02",
- "disposition_date": "2011-06-02",
- "conviction_date": "2011-06-02",
- "release_date": "2011-06-02",
- "next_court_date": "2011-06-02",
- "court": "Circuit & District Court",
- "plea": null,
- tap加速器下载: null,
- "prison_time": "4 Year(s)",
- "jail_time": "15 Day(s)",
- "probation_time": null,
- "restitution": "220.00"
], - "filtered_by_positive_adjudication_records": [
- {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "case_number": 绿叶加速器最新版下载,
- "file_date": pp加速器官网网页,
- pp加速器下载: "DEA Boston Division",
- "court_jurisdiction": null,
- "court_of_record": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "full_name": 手机pp加速器,
- "dob": "1970-01-22",
- "yob": 1970,
- "county": "SUFFOLK",
- "state": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "address": {
- pp加速器官网网页: "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": "US"
Motor Vehicle Records originate from a state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, and include information related to a person’s driving history, including driver’s license status and restrictions, as well as violations and convictions. Use MVR reports to evaluate a candidate’s driving history and safety record.
Please note that some convictions, such as driving under the influence, may appear only on MVR reports, and not on criminal searches.
For more information, please see Motor Vehicle Records in the Checkr Help Center.
Returns an existing Motor Vehicle Report with the input ID.
id required | 手机app加速器 ID of the Motor Vehicle Report to retrieve. |
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "motor_vehicle_report",
- "uri": "/v1/motor_vehicle_reports/539fd88c101897f7cd000007",
- 海外app加速器: "consider",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": pp加速器国际版,
- "turnaround_time": 90,
- "full_name": "John Alfred Smith",
- "license_number": "F2111132",
- "license_state": "CA",
- "previous_license_number": "F2111132",
- "previous_license_state": "CA",
- "license_status": pp加速器国际版,
- "license_type": pp加速器官方下载|pp加速器(网络视频加速器)下载 v0.6.5.0007 ...:2021-7-16 · 本站提供pp加速器官方下载。pp加速器(网络视频加速器)是一款免费的视频加速软件。软件采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术,为视频网站提供视频加速服务。,
- "license_class": "C",
- "dob": "1980-01-01",
- "expiration_date": "2016-07-24",
- "covid_extension": true,
- "issued_date": "2006-12-03",
- "first_issued_date": "2000-01-14",
- "inferred_issued_date": null,
- pp加速器: [
- "string"
], - "custom_rules": [
- "string"
], - "not_found": false,
- "experience_failed": false,
- "privilege_to_drive": "valid",
- "accidents": [
- {
- "accident_date": 海外app加速器,
- "description": "property damage",
- "city": null,
- "county": "SAN FRANCISCO",
- 蚂蚁app加速器: null,
- 旋风app加速器: "33-435932",
- "points": null,
- "vehicle_speed": null,
- "reinstatement_date": null,
- "action_taken": "police report filed",
- 海外app加速器: null,
- "enforcing_agency": 海外app加速器,
- "jurisdiction": null,
- "severity": null,
- "violation_number": null,
- "license_plate": "6UM6938",
- 蚂蚁app加速器: null,
- "state_code": null,
- "acd_code": null,
- 手机app加速器: false,
- "fatality_accident": false,
- "fatality_count": 0,
- 蚂蚁app加速器: 0,
- "vehicles_involved_count": 3,
- "report_number": null,
- "policy_number": null,
- "group": "property damage"
], - pp加速器官网网页: [
- {
- "type": "conviction",
- "issued_date": "2011-11-14",
- "conviction_date": "2010-04-11",
- "description": "speeding 15-19 mph",
- "points": 0,
- "city": pp加速器国际版下载,
- "county": "SANTA CLARA",
- "state": "California",
- "ticket_number": "2D55555",
- "disposition": null,
- "category": null,
- "court_name": null,
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: null,
- "state_code": null,
- "docket": null
], - "suspensions": [
- {
- "start_date": 海外app加速器,
- "end_date": "2012-03-21",
- pp加速器国际版下载: pp加速器国际版
Use an Education Verification to verify a candidate’s education history, and highest degree achieved.
赛博网游加速器破解版下载-赛博网游加速器电脑版下载 v3.7.6 ...:2021-6-9 · 赛博网游加速器破解版为广大玩家提供稳定,快速的游戏加速体验。采用跨国企业专用网络,独立出口,直连海外核心节点,即使在网络高峰期,也延迟低,且稳定玩游戏就要超低延迟,没有掉包,告别卡顿,让你在游戏中的每一个动作都能得到有效的反馈,吃鸡捡枪快人一步、lol补兵更顺畅。
For more information, please see Education Verification in the Checkr Help Center.
Returns an existing Education Verification with the input ID.
id required | string ID of the Education Verification to retrieve. |
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "education_verification",
- "uri": "/v1/education_verifications/595511af261066005170f47",
- "status": "consider",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "turnaround_time": pp加速器官网网页,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": "592311d2113adf7e9c9f66b8",
- "result": {
- "verified": false
}, - "school": {
- "id": pp加速器官网网页,
- "object": "school",
- "uri": pp加速器_关于PP加速器_PP加速器功能_PP加速器的缺点 ...:PP加速器是一款免费的视频加速软件。 采用目前许多先进和流行的互联网技术,如优化后的点对点传输(P2SP)、多任务下载、Web感知下载、智能Cache等技术,为视频网站提供视频加速服务,不单可以有效的为视频网站运营商减轻服务器压力、节省消耗带宽、减低实际运营成本,更能让用户淋漓尽致的 ...,
- "candidate_id": "83ebeagdec0948690863766f792ead24d61fe3f9",
- "name": "College University",
- 蚂蚁app加速器: "BA",
- "year_awarded": pp加速器安卓,
- "major": "Russian Literature",
- "phone": "415-111-1111",
- pp加速器手机官方版: "Background Checks",
- "start_date": "2012-09-22",
- "end_date": "2017-05-10",
- pp加速器下载: false,
- "school_url": "",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": pp加速器手机官方版,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- "country": "US"
}, - "events": [
- {
- "text": "started",
- 绿叶加速器最新版下载: "2017-06-29T14:42:47Z",
- "type": "verification_start"
], - "status": "consider"
Use an Employment Verification to verify a candidate’s employment history for the last three employers, or the last seven years.
For this screening, candidates are asked to supply their employment history. Checkr then attempts to verify the information. After three failed attempts (itemized in the logs), Checkr generates an exception, and asks the candidate to upload supporting documentation. Once the document is uploaded, the verification process will begin again.
For more information, please see Employment Verification in the Checkr Help Center.
PP加速器下载【PP加速器PPVA版】下载_第三 ...:2021-4-20 · PP加速器是一款基于Internet 网络的视频加速软件,完全免费,直接下载安装即可。 使用PP加速器为您在线视频提供加速服务后,您在线观看视频时的下载速度能够提升2-4倍,从而解决在线观看视频过程中,因遇到网络高峰时间或是东西南北不同网络互通 ...
id required | string ID of the Employment Verification to retrieve. |
Employment Verification details
Main server
$ curl -X GET \ -u 83ebeabdec09f6670863766f792ead24d61fe3f9:
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "employment_verification",
- 旋风app加速器: "/v1/employment_verifications/595511af261066005170f471",
- "status": "consider",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "turnaround_time": 603216,
- "records": [
- {
- "id": "592311d2113adf7e9c9f66b8",
- 手机app加速器: {
- "start_date": {
- "verified": true,
- "comments": "2016-06-01",
- "ignored": null
}, - "end_date": {
- "verified": true,
- "comments": "2017-05-01",
- "ignored": 海外app加速器
}, - "position": {
- 手机app加速器: true,
- "comments": "Software Development Engineer",
- "ignored": "manual"
}, - "contract_type": {
- "verified": true,
- "comments": "Full Time",
- "ignored": "package"
}, - "salary": {
- "verified": true,
- "comments": "100000",
- "ignored": null
}, - "questions": [
- {
- "sort_number": 1,
- "text": "What is the documented reason for the employee's departure?",
- 旋风app加速器: 海外app加速器
}, - pp加速器手机官方版: {
- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "employer",
- "uri": 视频加速软件_pp加速器官方下载_技巧应用_中关村在线:2021-1-19 · 最后给大家介绍几款视频加速软件,这些软件可以加速在线视频,下载视屏等方面,效果明显,而且接容性也非常好。PP加速器(ppva)pp加速器(PPLiveVideoAccelerator)是一款免费的视频加速软件。采用目前许多先进和流行。,
- "candidate_id": "xxx",
- "name": pp加速器官网网页,
- "position": "Software Engineer",
- "salary": 10000,
- "contract_type": 手机app加速器,
- "do_not_contact": false,
- "start_date": "2016-06-01",
- "end_date": "2017-05-01",
- "employer_url": "",
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St.",
- "unit": 2000,
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zipcode": "90401",
- pp加速器手机官方版: pp加速器手机版
}, - "manager": {
- "name": "Joe Smith",
- "title": "Engineering Manager",
- "email": 海外app加速器,
- "phone": "212-555-1234"
}, - "events": [
- {
- 蚂蚁app加速器: "started",
- "created_at": "2017-06-29T14:42:44Z",
- "type": 手机app加速器
], - "status": "consider"
Use an Identity Document Verification to verify a candidate's ID.
For this screening, candidates are sent a link to a Checkr capture page. They are then asked to use this page to capture a selfie and an image of their ID.
For more information, please see Identity Document Verification in the Checkr Help Center.
Please work with your Checkr Customer Success manager to enable this endpoint for your account.
加速器下载_加速器手机版_最新加速器安卓版下载:2021-9-2 · PP助手为您提供最新加速器下载,加速器安卓手机版免费下载,PP助手让你尽享好玩的手机应用 软件分类 游戏分类 影音播放 视频/音乐/铃声 系统工具 Wifi/安全/省电 通讯社交
id required | string ID of the Identity Document Verification to retrieve. |
Identity Document Verification details
Main server
{- "id": "e44aa283528e6fde7d542194",
- "object": "identity_document_verification",
- "uri": "/v1/identity_document_verifications/539fd88c101897f6cd000010",
- 海外app加速器: "complete",
- "created_at": "2014-01-18T12:34:00Z",
- "completed_at": "2014-01-18T12:35:30Z",
- "turnaround_time": 603216,
- "verified": true,
- "capture_url": "",
- "provider": "idv_partner",
- "document_ids": [
- "fb4995376bc66d6fb67f1c22",
- "58261bf0aff84b41e5d81024",
- "ced73ab5780fbba0d3f47ffc"
], - "checks": {
- "candidate_data_match": [
- {
- "name": "full_name",
- "status": "clear"
}, - {
- "name": "dob",
- "status": 海外app加速器
], - 海外app加速器: [
- {
- "name": "face_match",
- pp加速器官网网页: "clear"
}, - {
- "name": "image_integrity",
- "status": "clear"
}, - {
- "name": "visual_authenticity",
- "status": "clear"
], - "document_validation": [
- {
- 手机app加速器: "compromised",
- "status": "clear"
}, - {
- pp加速器安卓版下载: pp加速器手机官方版,
- "status": "clear"
}, - {
- "name": "data_validation",
- "status": "clear"
}, - {
- "name": "visual_authenticity",
- "status": "clear"
}, - {
- pp加速器官网网页: "image_integrity",
- "status": "clear"
}, - "extracted_data": {
- "first_name": "Jersey",
- "middle_name": "John",
- "last_name": "Smith",
- "full_name": "Jersey John Smith",
- "dob": "1975-01-10",
- "gender": "Male",
- "document_type": "drivers_license",
- "document_number": "F1234567",
- pp加速器安卓: pp加速器官网网页,
- "document_issuer": "Department of Motor Vehicles",
- "document_issuer_region": "CA",
- "document_issuer_country": "USA"